Guns. Lots of Guns. (New SoR build w/ Guide)

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Guns. Lots of Guns. (New SoR build w/ Guide) 16 11 9 2.0
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Changes from 2.0

Swiftness is harder to use than Tactical Mastery - usually we want the action to roll out General Veers - Field Commander, but Swiftness doesn't allow that. Imperial Discipline on the other hand is great value for 1. It can consistently create damage or resources, both things this deck wants plenty of. Often rolls what you want, and if not then using it to fix a Veers die is usually great. Think of the ability like focus - you can always turn a Veers die instead of whatever it rolled.

Watch List

I may bring Unpredictable back, it doesn't do as much as the other 0 cards, but likewise it doesn't use up an action. With so many things relying on the battlefield here, it seems wise to pack another ambush card to sneak in. Not sure yet what to cut for it though.


Given that the BEAST just brought this deck to the forefront again, I'm having a new look at Jango/Veers which was one of the first big Destiny decks. I was among the earliest people brewing and building this in the beginning days, so it's honestly a bit of nostalgia to revisit it and give it a makeover for current times.


Generally you want a 1 upgrade turn one, and also an event or two that are good against the opposing deck. If you don't have those things, throw back anything else to try to find them. Keep/dig for Disarm if you expect Sith Holocron. Dug in is one of the best cards in the Poe match. Die removal is a priority against Palpatine - Galactic Emperor, and very nice to have against many decks. If they have an 18+ point character, digging for as much removal as possible is the plan, and/or Dug in in matches where you don't expect Vibroknife. It's really common to throw back 2-cost upgrades as you usually don't want to spend your only resources on them, and there are enough that you will draw them later.

Play Philosophy

Stack Jango up with most of the upgrades, his free activation gives a big advantage to anything he is carrying. Redeploy upgrades can go on whoever they're focusing since they'll just move over anyway. Roll Veers out whenever it's convenient - early if you plan to use his dice for He Doesn't Like You. Hold him back until Jango is activated if you plan to use Tactical Mastery, which you'll commonly play after Jango activates so you can roll Veers and resolve immediately. If doing that, don't forget you can fix a to 2 damage w/ Bait and Switch as an ambush play if any of the dice are on . You want to wait for an opponent activation to roll Jango in for free, so play out Dug in, Friends in Low Places, and/or upgrades if they haven't activated yet.

Deck Design

We Have Them Now is new in the SoR version of this deck, and is a great fit. Dodge isn't really in the format at all any more, so turning a pile of dice to isn't very dangerous. It's somewhat like a big brother to Force Strike in that it costs more, but turns up to 4 dice to damage.

A fair number of the old upgrades remain. DH-17 Blaster Pistol is still your best 1-cost. F-11D Rifle, Holdout Blaster, and Jetpack are some of the best 2 ranged upgrades in the business. New upgrades include DT-29 Heavy Blaster Pistol which may even be preferred due to having no pay sides and a usable , and Imperial Discipline which is a card I'm trying out as a 3rd 1-drop. It's debatable whether that slot should be On The Hunt, Promotion, or Imperial Discipline which all have very similar dice, but I felt the prospect of turning Veers to held the most value of the 3.

Salvage Stand is straight up lifted from the BEAST's build. I haven't played this yet so I can't say how the timing will work out (it will regularly trigger when you roll in Jango). In theory you can hit enemy resources before they would play removal, and simply having the card in play encourages the enemy to burn up resources before Jango activates, which should help keep our vulnerable rolls (often anchored to only 1 or 2 black sides) safer from disruption.

On the same wavelength as Salvage Stand, Bait and Switch is a card also mainly aimed at Jango's resource sides. This will typically fix you directly into 2 , and given Jango rolls 55% of the time it's useful in nearly every game. You can hardly ask for more than 2 damage from a 0-cost ambush card.

Disarm, Dug in, He Doesn't Like You, and Tactical Mastery are cards carrying over from my old version of the deck. Cost-effective damage mitigation and action cheating is the plan here. I have swapped in One-Quarter Portion for Electroshock because it hits anything (there are several decks using characters with 3-damage sides) and it isn't tied to either character being alive. Considering The Best Defense... in place of something, because it just mauls lists with only 2 important dice like Poe and Palpatine. "I take 3 damage on Veers and remove all your dice that matter" is a huge win in many matches. Possible cuts to fit it are Imperial Discipline, Disarm, 1x Swiftness.

Doubt is a new inclusion that fits like a glove here - anything with good value for 0 is exactly what this deck wants so you can devote more to playing upgrades.

Friends in Low Places replaces Probe and I feel is vastly better. You pull the card you want to hit instead of taking a chance and perhaps getting nothing out of it. You also get complete knowledge of opponent's hand, not just 2 cards. Way better at finding problem cards like It's a Trap!, Electroshock, Hit and Run, etc.

The last major change is the Battlefield. Given the speed we're trying to play at and the relatively low value of dice we might leave behind to claim early, I feel a move to Carbon-freezing Chamber - Bespin is in order. The deck used to play Frozen Wastes - Starkiller Base, but with Fast Hands and various action cheating everywhere in the meta, the likelihood there is a character die to remove is vastly decreased these days. Instead, we can remove their character die from next turn. Most decks are hurt by this far more than Jango/Veers, because Jango/Veers character dice are actually not all that powerful. On the other hand with Palpatine, Poe, Vader, and Luke having entire decks built to support them, CFC is a huge threat against many enemies.

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