Are we blind! Deploy the garrison!

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Three Amiguns - Top 4 Seattle SC 22 18 5 1.0
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Porg_FriedRice 27

The usual triple Death Trooper deck. Simple but really fun to play. Every weapon is redeploy and the 50+ damage that an opponent has to possibly fight through is super frustrating. I like to make sure I have at least one Aftermath and either a Holdout Blaster or an F-11D Rifle in my starting hand. Suggestions welcome!

4 comentarios

Legal Counsel 11

How diffucult do you find it to manage resources? DTs don't generate any naturally and the aftermath is only so good. How do you get to the point of being able to use your endless ranks?

Porg_FriedRice 27

@wagnerml2 It can be tough sometimes especially if they have lots of disrupt. All the weapons not only have redeploy but also a resource side so that helps. I also like using The Best Defense... to kill off my guys at low health and get resources from Aftermath and do an early claim with Moisture Farm - Tatooine. I generally don't play Z6 Riot Control Baton unless I'm overwriting a Training on a Death Trooper that is about to die. It's a slow deck and the biggest thing is being patient and using resources wisely. You won't need Endless Ranks early game hopefully so get the upgrades out fast early and then start thinking about bringing your guys back.

thejumpingflea 214

Looks good! I prefer doubt to flank for the 0 cost and it being unconditional, but it's totally a meta call.

Porg_FriedRice 27

@thejumpingflea I thought about giving Doubt a try at some point. Flank has been good to me but that 1 resource cost is annoying.