eQui-Gon/Zeb - Sheild Aggro

Simulador de robo
Probabilidades: 0% – 0% más
Derivado de
eQui-Gon/Zeb - Sheild Aggro 0 0 1 3.0
Inspiración para
Qui-Gon/eZeb - Aggro 0 0 0 5.0

Anubuss 7

First deck, pure theroy crafting based on what is available. Mostly looking to get feedback to see if my limited play experience pairs well with experience from other deck building tcgs.

Goal of the deck is to try to maximize damage output and disrupt if able. Zeb brings a big burst of damage, while Qui-Gon will build up Sheilds and ping as I hit excess. Riposte will provide surprise kills.

Falcon + Cheat seemed to actually threaten early game play, so the whole tech got booted for more attack power.

Please suggest some budget friendly alternatives to things like Ancient Lightsaber. I am using a friends collection to get me started and the 1 he has is spoken for. Right now this deck is just purely for fun.

If i get fully into the game, I may go in for the full deck as much as I dare go.

3 comentarios

Razelll 244

My changes would be:

switch Emperor's Throne Room - Death Star II with Outer Rim Outpost - Nal Hutta if you can claim a lot other wise Obi-Wan's Hut - Tatooine is pretty good to.

-2 Force Misdirection it only works against melee decks

-2 Lightsaber Training i have tried it before nd I don't really like it.

-1 Planned Explosion all your high value dice are either damage or shields which you both want so it won't do much.

-1 Pirate Speeder Tank it costs a lot and you will probably never buy it.

-2 Smuggling Freighter it doesn't do much at all.

-2 Ancient Lightsaber if you can't afford them.

+2 Maz's Vault since it looks like you might have a resource problem.

+2 Overconfidence it is powerful to reroll about 4 damage then remove the lower die.

+1 two cost weapon. just another cheap weapon is good. Like Stun Baton or Crafted Lightsaber.

+2 Guard removing a two or three melee to remove two or three of their dice is really strong.

+2 Vandalize it is really good against a lot of cheep, good upgrades or supports.

+1 flex, what ever card you like, or if you think you need more removal or something.

Note: Force Illusion is also a good card if you need to keep your characters alive but don't have enough resources. Also, there are other replacement cards for a lot of the cards I said you should put in your deck if you don't have them. If you want some replacement cards just ask.

Anubuss 7

Thanks for the advice.

I actually am looking into cutting Yellow all together. If not for Zeb+Cutlass, I could see it all go with no tears shed.

Guard and Overconfidence are probably things I will look into.

I was looking into Handcrafted Light Bow as a possible replacement for Ancient. I hadn't given thought to Baton, probably a good pick.

I am not sold on Training either, it got dropped in mostly for experimentation.

Razelll 244

Whenever I see a Qui-Gon Jinn - Ataru Master deck, it is always mono blue and I think it is better.