"M-M-Mother May I" 4-0 TTD Trilogy Tournament in Louisville

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KingOfOdonata 89

This deck is all about control, your own dice and your opponents. After putting together this build two days ago, I finally got to give it a run in an event. Build is all about removal and cheap dice to allow you to keep resources for removal. Changes made before the event were the removal of Slave I and two Risky Move for one Frighten, two The Force is With Me, and one Free-For-All. Slave I felt too slow and Risky Move was well, too risky.

Round 1 vs. eRose/baby Anakin Skywalker/double Gungan Vehicles. 1-0

After some early discards of a couple of vehicles and removal, I was able to buy some time to build up while maintaining steady removal. After taking out an early Gungan Warrior, I was able to get a build up on the rest of the characters to drop another Gungan and Anakin in one round. We did end up going to time, and I had it on damage. But my opponent did get one great final turn and almost took out a character.

Round 2 vs. eCount Dooku2/eMother Talzin 2-0

This was a weird game with Talzin vs. Talzin. It was a struggle to get rid of Dooku, and DJ was the first to go on my side. I kept my focus on Dooku though since he had the only upgrades and was doing so much damage. Witch Magick kept my Talzin in and I was able to close it with Free-For-All.

Round 3 vs. eLuke3/eYoda 3-0

This game was super close. My opponent originally went for Talzin but after an early Magick, switched up to DJ once he realized all the damage coming through. I had a lot of early game removal and the Indirect Damage was adding up quick. An Heirloom Lightsaber was dropped on Yoda who I had focused my damage on, so I had to be careful on my timing of eliminating him. My opponent kept it tight but through some careful delaying actions, I was able to get him to activate Luke and then eliminate Yoda. The final turn was a careful setup with Talzin. I set up a Force Fear to show two Indirect, with Talzin showing two Range. My opponent rolled in Luke, expecting to me able to shield or get some other control. I then ended it with Free-For-All for four damage. The game was close, and I had to wait for the perfect time to play the event.

Round 4 vs. eZeb/eYoda 4-0

Early, I kept drawing upgrades I didn't need and had a hard time removing Zeb's power. But by round 3 and on, I had plenty of removal to control the board. My opponent got Talzin down by 5 early and at 8 damage for an extra round since I kept removing his damage. All the while I was racking up more and more Indirect. Since he dropped Canto Bight Pistol on Yoda, I kept all my damage going to Zeb. After I dropped Zeb and Talzin finally went down, DJ was able to quickly finish Yoda.

This deck performed much better than expected but still needs lots of work. MVP's were Rift Valley - Dathomir, Streetwise, and Free-For-All on top of all the basic removal. The cheap upgrades made Free-for-All hit hard and end two games. Force Fear ended up being a dud overall. It never got in the way of Talzin's ability fortunately, but always felt too slow, expensive, and usually, I needed hard removal instead of it. I'll be taking it out for some mill countering, as I played a casual game against a mill deck and did pretty terrible, as I expected.

Overall, I'm glad to see this working out at the moment, though I doubt it will ever be top tier. But the control is quite powerful and perhaps someone will find an even better build.

2 comentarios

GandalfsHat 11

Hey, top tier doesn't mean anything! A lot of tournament play is about playing the meta, too. For example, back when Poe-Maz was still around, I ran a Jabba/Unkar crime lord deck that blew it away, and won a store tourney with it a couple times: not because the deck was a top tier deck (It wasn't, and unfortunately doesn't hold up now) but decks like this catch people off guard, and that's one of the best advantages you can have. Bring decks that aren't what people are playing, and I think you'll see success with it. And if not, hey, you played the most fun deck there, right?

P0em 381

This deck is so good that I kindly ask that you take it down so it doesn’t become a worldwide phenomenon