13 Person SC Winner 7/24/2018

Simulador de robo
Probabilidades: 0% – 0% más
Derivado de
Ninguno. Éste es un mazo hecho de cero.
Inspiración para
Rex, Maz, and Trooper 0 0 0 1.0
Take The High Ground 0 0 0 1.0

Caniac 174

1st in a 13 person event. 2nd in a 22 person event.

I truly think this is the best variant. if you have any questions let me know.

9 comentarios

Schmitty 14

I’m glad to see someone else using both Hidden Blaster and Holdout Blaster in their Rex deck! Rex is my favorite character out right now.

I keep going back and forth between Maz and Hired Gun. The extra resource and fun sides have been great for me, and hasn’t been a main target in most games. How did Maz perform for you most games?

How was your economy most games? The low curve must help, but if your 2 is going to upgrades every turn, how do you grab that extra resource or two for your high mitigation?

Caniac 174

@Schmitty Maz is the way to go since it prevents your opponent from mitigating your best dice. Also, the focus is key for impulsive plays. Each character has resource sides if needed, but most of the time I usually save truce for into defensive position. It kills fast enough so there isnt usually a huge need for mass mitigation, and the clone is guardianing along the way.

Caniac 174

@Schmitty just realized this list has easy pickings. I changed it for loth cat and mouse and forgot to update the list before posting.

ThunderMoose 16

How is the Clone guardianing!?

joemasilotti 1377

@ThunderMoose via Fort Anaxes.

Schmitty 14

I have no idea how you can manage without Easy Pickings but more power to you! Did you run across mill on your way to the top?

Caniac 174

@Schmitty easy pickings is fantastic, but maz dies first turn or early second turn most games and becomes a dead card. I ran against mill, but you just give the weapons to maz so she can action cheat damage. If you get the quickdraws and hit and runs it's fantastic, but sometimes just having maz do the work can be a enough.

Burntuakrisp! 9

How does the deck do with economy? I run a similar deck and tend to use Outer Rim Outpost because of the amount of weapons and Hyperspace Jump.

Caniac 174

@Burntuakrisp! resources hasn't been an issue since most of the events are zeroes and every die except DH-17 has a resource side.