Star-crossed Lovers

Simulador de robo
Probabilidades: 0% – 0% más
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gerlof101 1

my On pre-launch day (19/11) I bought the 2 starters and a total of 18 boosters. I was fortunate enough to pull Leai and Han and decided to create a deck themed around these two.

Now the deck as is published here is by no means optimized. For example ; it could realy use a second Han of Leia die (and still be point legal) and a lot more guns :). But its constructed with the dice and cards I currently have in my collection and will probably my play-deck for the next few months.

So expect changes to this deck as I go along. Any advise though is surely appreciated.

As it is now ; its mostly centered around using ambush, gaining shields and dealing ranged damage.

1 comentario

Yodalf 25

Check out the Big Mama deck I just posted and LMK what you think. I was able to trade for a bunch of stuff today and the upgrades and support make a real difference. This style of deck is tons of fun!