All in

Simulador de robo
Probabilidades: 0% – 0% más
Derivado de
Use the Focus, Luke! 7-0 Winner in a 20 player tournament 190 154 61 1.0
Inspiración para
All In Pada-Rey 1 0 0 1.0
All in 0 0 0 1.0

alexdemian 115

This deck was inspired by the Ackbar+Luke deck that Bayushi-sama published from the Italy tournament. It utilizes the same All In/Leadership/ concept, but i opted for a 3rd character to have access to Flank and Close Quarters Assault - that help trigger Admiral Ackbar ability more often. The inclusion of the Padawan also let me have more upgrades/dice on the table, which makes the All In turn better :)

4 comentarios

Bayushi Sezaru 956

Interesting take on the All In/. I like Padawan a lot, while I have mixed feelings about Rey (awesome ability, mediocre dice)... How has it worked for you so far?

BigDaddyGoblyn 301

One of the best things about the Ackbar and eLuke Deck is honestly One with the Force. With that Die out there Rolling more times than not you are going to be sitting on a Die that is going to Focus 2 or 3 Dice, which is nuts with 2 Lukes and bunch of Sabers (Luke's and Generic) rolling. Although, I like the look of this on Paper. Will have to try this out!

alexdemian 115

In my area we didn't have any tournaments yet, so my experience with the deck has been only from casual games. What i've noticed is that this build is a lot less explosive than the Luke version, it delivers more steady damage with the 3rd char (and the extra HP helps the game go longer) and it procs Ackbar ability much more (with the discard on Rey and Close quarters). And that extra 2 damage a turn becomes relevant very quick.

Overall, i think this version plays a very good long game - which suits my control(ish) playstyle better.

HustlenFlo 16

I have been teching this deck for a while now. The problem I had was losing rey to fast and not being able to finish. I added in 2x holdout blaster ad 2x hit and run. This allows me to pretty much activate my whole team while replacing holout blaster with a more relevant upggrade. More often then not if I won the battlefield I'm averaging 7-9 damage the first turn. It makes players play reactive instead of tossing out upgrades because of the extra actions. I usually claim the battlefield as well. I also removed the deflect and just put in a dodge, because I lost a game where I had deflect come up in my hand and I could not use it. I also added 1 retreat, heroism, dug in. Cards I took out are 2x datapad, 1x jedi robes, 2x it binds all things, 2x use the force. It seems to play very consistent and is on of my favorite decks to play.