Bearded Bears

Simulador de robo
Probabilidades: 0% – 0% más
Derivado de
Bearded Bears 7 6 8 3.0
Inspiración para
Bearded Bears 1 1 0 1.0

stranglebat 832

Reworked from some extensive TTS testing, Suppression is back in as the 0 cost removal is necessary. Surgical back in to take out opposing PU and inspections. Bombing run is in to eek out a little bit more damage from what im already doing with snap.

I am currently working on an alternative list with rebel war room and rocket launchers as a way to get snaps last dice resolved which often gets left in the pool and is not quite as devastating when they decide to pay up for the BF.

2 comentarios

ElderMason 63


stranglebat 832

here is my alternate list