Jedi Mentor (Acolyte/eLuke)

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Metagamed 16

This is a deck that I have been testing as a potential tournament deck. Although it is early in the process of development, I have decided to publish it in order to both solicit feedback and to potentially get other people trying the deck out. The more feedback and testing, the better, after all!

This is primarily an aggro deck in a similar vein to Vader Raider. The goal is to take advantage of Luke's strong aggressive dice to cut opponents apart faster then they can do the same to you. I feel that this deck can provide several things Vader Raider cannot, as well (discussed later).

Some Card Choices:

Starship Graveyard - Jakku: This is one of several options that I think are viable here. I'm currently testing this as a method to help overcome Luke's tendency to burn through his deck really fast.

Journals of Ben Kenobi: Drawing more cards is nice, extra resources is nice, playing for free with It Binds All Things is nice. Usually gets overwritten quickly.

My Ally Is The Force: This card does a lot of work. It is expensive no doubt, but doubling the value of one of Luke's dice speeds up your clock a lot, and it also throws off calculations about how long a character is able to survive. Doing 9 damage with 2 dice can be extremely backbreaking, even more so since it's not uncommon to be able to do this turn 1.

No Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber or Lightsaber: Given how fast the deck plays and it's low resource output, I have found that these are simply too expensive to be practical. I may move in 1 to help with the Acolyte's late game.

Why not Luke/Maz:

I personally have found that the Acolyte's ability to focus both of Luke's dice in the same turn is better then Maz's ability to accelerate and sometimes end run around disruption, especially given that Maz is dependent on her die rolling a focus on activation, and Luke's mechanics give additional rerolling that works better with the acolyte. Plus as bad a closer Acolyte is, Maz is worse (at least in a deck full of melee upgrades).

A brief comparison of Acolyte Luke and Vader Raider:

Pros of Acolyte Luke: Superior dice manipulation - Acolyte provides an extremely reliable way to manipulate Luke's dice. You will regularly be able to resolve double 3 on most turns of the game. More Cards - The combination of Luke, Journals of Ben Kenobi and Trust Your Instincts means you will often have access to 7-8 cards a turn. That plus a large number of 0/1 cost cards means that you simply have more options. Healing - Willpower and Rejuvenate enable you to survive longer then your opponent might think, and are not bypassable like shields or Force Illusion.

Pros of Vader Raider: Higher Base Health - A total of 3 additional health gives Vader Raider a more reliable way to stay alive. Superior dice control - Villain overall has better dice control then hero, and Vader Raider's access to yellow further increases this gap Better late game - Raider is better at closing out games then acolyte. Acolyte can do it, but he requires better luck and more support then raider does, and there is less incentive to throw equipment on him. Sith Holocron - nuff' said.

Thank you for reading, and I appreciate any comments you may have!

10 comentarios

Authorn 45

This deck seems like it would do well against aggro decks, but I'm curious as to how it has faired against mill decks. Have you had any experience playing against mill with this deck? Seems like that could be its weakness with Luke drawing so many cards. And personally I would get rid of journals in favor of caution and riposte. In this heavy vibroknife meta they can be used as damage... Just some thoughts though, overall I like the potential that this deck has

zmanfarlee 19

Does Jedi Acolyte last past turn two ever? I'm intrigued. I have a Obi Rey that is aggro and has some similarity but I like the health on Rey and worry about the acolyte.

Metagamed 16

I have not had much experience against mill. The one game I have played against it my opponent got a bit greedy and I had a padme with con artist at 1 health on the end of 1, and my opponent couldn't recover. As for the acolyte dying, when people focus him, he goes down pretty fast, but (and this could be luck) I have had a fair number of games where people attack Luke first, and in those games they often die before luke does. People seem to underestimate the impact acolyte can have.

zmanfarlee 19

interesting. To me I would take down the Acolyte turn one or two dice he enables look. More power to you if they go after Luke. I suspect people will start going after acolyte in time.

dj88c 16

I love the potential of Jedi Acolyte here because sides are so underused but that health is just so low... I'd love to play with this deck idea a bit more myself. I second the thought of adding Caution to the deck for when Luke's dice roll well and Acolyte can throw shields on him.

Dave Sharona 601

I just don't see how this fares better than Admiral Ackbar - Perceptive Tactician or Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen

Both have more health, better abilities, access to better additional cards for removal and utility, and have essentially the same dice.

I LOVE using Luke. His dice hit like a train, especially with My Ally Is The Force and it's more expensive cousin combo, Swiftness, Use The Force, My Ally Is The Force for that sweet 9 damage swing for four resources.

Like most folks, I have been using him with Rey - Force Prodigy for the annoyance factor and the opportunity to load her up with upgrades since they will likely target him first. Every now and again they target Rey first and it's just a cakewalk to victory with Luke vs pretty much any other single character, especially if One With The Force and its beautiful focus sides is on the table.

I love the idea of doing something different, but basically any FN deck and most agro decks in the meta are going to be able to knock the Ithorian out turn one and then you're sitting there with a very lonely Luke.

xxdranxx 1

Why isn't "all in" in this deck?

Scactha 888

I think you are on the right track. Healing is a good starter as 19 health is a tad low. Maybe Cargo Hold - Eravana to combat FN decks instead of the current BG? On the control suite maybe shift Deflect into High Ground as you probably are fast than most and it hits all damage dice.

Davclarke 60

have you tried All In in this deck (maybe not needed if reliably get forcespeed, but another option to try to avoid mitigation)?

Metagamed 16

I appreciate all the feedback you guys have been giving! I'm definitely going to incorporate some of these ideas as I continue testing. Thanks everyone, I'll let you know once I have some new results.