Qui-Gon and Kanan!

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Wyliekyote 7

I've always liked Qui-Gon Jinn - Ataru Master since the game came out. He pairs well with many other Blue (my fav fyi), but when Kanan was released in EaW, I knew something was here! Kanan Jarrus - Rebel Jedi's Action Cheat ability is seriously good. Seriously. Even a little better than Rey - Force Prodigy's. And with both of them, this deck can do some sneaky things.

First, characters. Qui-Gon Jinn - Ataru Master's ability produces damage every turn. And add to that Kanan Jarrus - Rebel Jedi's action cheat, it can be a good 1-2 punch. He has both melee and ranged , which come into play with the events.

Upgrades focus on generating shields. Fearless on both really helps prevent damage, and of course, on Qui-Gon, generate damage! Shoto Lightsaber only adds to that as well. In a perfect game, they would both be on Qui with Fearless. Activate Qui-gon (and make sure he has a shield on him) and do Three Damage? Yes please. Then the other 's can be on Kanan. Of course, Vibroknife is a no brainer to break through shields and give Kanan extra bite. Master of the Council is there to add more damage near the End Game, and usually replaces Fearless, making it only cost 2 (or less if you haven't used It Binds All Things) Looking Ahead to Legacies, Obi-Wan Kenobi's Lightsaber will replace Shoto. Or maybe Master of the Council. Shield Generation AND then Do damage? Yummy.

Speaking of support's! As mentioned, It Binds All Things helps pay for the upgrades so you can save resources for Events. Luke's Protection is a great shield/damage trick, and keeps your draw deck from totally being run out by mill decks. Awakening makes Master of the Council's + sides even more versatile. And Yoda's Quarters to help me heal. Admittedly, I haven't used it yet at all, so it's a card that could be replaced.

' Events's!! My aim is to have Zero to One cost events. Making it a cheap deck to play, and for all those Unkar decks, little to no $$ gain. Synchronicity and Riposte are must have's. Rend for Fast Hands, Running Interference, etc. Destiny has let me get Master of the Council out first round if I roll terrible, especially if I have Force Speed deployed. (Qui and Kanan activate. 5 blue dice. Keep one, and voila Master deployed!) Force Misdirection is delicious with Kanan!!! Activate him. Then Qui-Gon. If you've rolled well, drop a Force Misdirection to remove ALL your opponents dice showing a symbol! OR, if not, use Kanan's ability to refocus a die, then play it. I've removed Damage, Shields, Specials (hehehe there goes Crime Lord!) Watch your opponents squirm. I save The Power of the Force for when I've got at least 4 's out. Nothing like turning a 1 value die to a 4! Surprise! Close Quarters Assault is great for heavy Melee Decks. I love Trust Your Instincts for re-roll and draw.

for me is pretty clear: Generate Shields! Obi-Wan's Hut - Tatooine is great for this deck. Echo Base - Hoth will also work, but I gives your opponent a shield as well. Why not make it a bit harder for them? After all, resources are key in this game!!

First Hand I draw/mulligan for: Two Weapon Upgrades (Vibro and Shoto), Binds All Things, and maybe Force Speed. Luke's Protection is a nice first round play as well (another Shield/Damage from Qui-gon? Sure!)

Thanks for reading, and let me know what you think!

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