Budget Rainbow fives

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Probabilidades: 0% – 0% más
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Ninguno. Éste es un mazo hecho de cero.
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TheHyperloops 3691

This decklist is featured on thehyperloops.com's weekly budget series. You can access the write up here: https://www.thehyperloops.com/budgethero5/

2 comentarios

ordinaryjedi.ddu.network 834

Hi Nick, what do you suggest changing for the non budget version?

TheHyperloops 3691

I'd probably try to make all of the weapons match type that way you dont have to go through hoops in order to resolve damage. Holdout and x-8 night sniper should probably be in there. Holdout more so although sniper is very good. You could consider some rocket launchers, DL-44s and Bowcasters as weapons. With 5 dice deck won't be hurting for money and having the redeploy from Bowcaster should be important. I'd probably then just cut all the melee weapons and awakenings since you will have a bunch of money. If you wanted to continue with riposte then I would fit in the 2nd hunker down. Deck is going to be slow and you might as well go hard for riposte. Someone suggested a copy of Return of the Jedi and that could be good as a one of to tie up the room nicely.