Effin' servants

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soaring_bear 14

Fun deck I came up with huge damage potential. Basic idea is to keep upgrades moving among characters as they die. FN's ability is nice, but not abused here, which does mean this deck is future proofed against the FAQ that's coming Soon^TM.

I would hard mulligan for the Imperial HQ. getting it out early pays massive dividends in the mid-late game. Electrostaff is another great card, I'd put it on a Servant over FN

The event cards are almost all mitigation, the Servants are low health, so we need to protect them as much as possible. Hopefully the opponent targets FN first, letting us build up the Servants for the late game.

Most of the time, I take the opponent's battlefield, the 2 shields are quite useful, I typically put them both on FN.

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