Han/Snap is BACK!

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jamjams32 52

With the new rules reference and with many of the top aggro decks being nerfed, as well as vibroknife being brought down a notch, this means that shield decks and decks that take a little more time to ramp up will become more viable. Enter Han/Snap. This has always been my favorite deck to pilot but it’s power level had been diminished some lately with how quickly some aggro decks like FN could burn it down. But with the meta slowing down just slightly and shields now mattering again, this deck, along with some of the new goodies from Empire at War, is poised to make a comeback.

It’s full of incredibly good ambush cards to trigger Han’s ability as well as some classic Snap tricks like Planetary Uprising and Carbon Freezing Chamber.

I’ve also included a popular suite of cards found commonly in Sabine/Ezra decks like Hidden Agenda, Never Tell me the Odds, Infamous, and Running Interference. Han’s dice rivals Sabine’s dice in terms of raw power and can benefit like she does from these cards.

Overall, it’s been an incredibly fun deck to play and also incredibly competitive. I think it will be a key player in this new meta.

9 comentarios

Dave Sharona 601

Two words:

Drop Zone

Also, how did I forget about Honor Guard in mine??? I will fix that asap.

jamjams32 52

@Dave Sharona appreciate the comment. Yeah I love drop zone and have used it in some really fun claim style decks. I’m not sure what I’d drop in this deck for it though. What do you think? I’m already getting so much damage in from han’s dice, and never tell me the odds and one or maybe two Planetary uprising’s in play that I’m not sure i need drop zone in this deck. I’ll certainly keep it in mind though and see if I can cut a card or two to include it

Dave Sharona 601

I think we are running these decks very differently. I am going for maximum disrupt control and shields, letting planetary and the occasional damage side do the work. I wouldn’t ever run a hidden agenda and never tell me the odds, And definitely wouldn’t run truce because I want to keep resources away from my opponent at all costs. So for me, drop zone is perfect and I want to keep the economy of the deck as low as possible to pay for damage sides

jamjams32 52

@Dave Sharona yeah I think we are running a different deck. Yeah this has some of the same tools found in the popular Sabine deck that is so powerful right now with cards like running interference, never tell me the odds, and hidden agenda (to help pay for never tell me the odds). But while doing these extremely powerful plays, we also get the benefit of snaps ability and planetary uprising. It’s been unbelievably strong thus far as i haven’t lost yet with it. I’d love to see your list though as I think Han/Snap is so good and versatile and can be built differently

Dave Sharona 601



I really want to make room for DH-17 again as it's SUCH a valuable gun. Same damage sides as a Holdout but for 1? Yes. I'm simply not sure where to make the space

Brandonious 222

Awesome! I'm a fan of Han/Snap myself. Back when fasthands could go on snap, this deck was diiiiiiiiiirty. Nice build, though! Drop Zone can change lives. Give that a play sometime.

Another Han/Snap: swdestinydb.com

Dave Sharona 601

You also only have THREE dice mitigation cards. I don't understand how that works, I would drop Running Interference for Negotiate

jamjams32 52

@Dave Sharona So there’s 5 dice mitigation cards in the deck as it’s currently constructed...not 3 (Honor Guard) I’ve since tweaked the deck slightly since I posted it:

-1 Running Interference -1 Guerilla Warfare +1 Drop Zone +1 Infamous (I really need to be able to have a copy of this in play to safely play my Never Tell Me the Odds)

I do love negotiate. I’m considering getting rid of my 1 copy of Hold On! for a Negotiate. Thoughts?

jamjams32 52

@Dave Sharona There’s also some small dice removal with the DL-44’s, and then just the amount of shields this deck generates and the healing and dice mitigation with carbon freezer chamber goes a long way as well