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Destry210 732
Inspired by a champion deck at the regional of Montreal who won over 43 participants, I made some changes to it to include some new cards of Legacies. Originally, for his upgrades, the champion had 2 Second Chance and 2 Chance Cube. He was also playing the old Millenium Falcon once, Ghost once, Black One once and 2 T-47 Airspeeder. In his events, he had 2 Reckless Reentry. He had no Field Medic, no Cunning and no Legacies cards.
My new version of the deck is as good if not better I think than his (because in part of the new Legacies cards). Played 3 games in a tournament beating eKylo2/Tarkin, ePhasma2/eHondo and ePoe2/Sabine in the final. So, I'm 3-0 with it and I'll play bigger tournament soon.
The upgrades change. Cunning instead of Chance Cube. I found that the deck can do enough money without Chance Cube using Tech Team, Rally Aid, Quadjumper or Hera Syndulla - Phoenix Leader special to put vehicles in play. Also, I love Cunning with all the specials you can abuse (more with Legacies). You also have 2 targets yellow only for Cunning either Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen or Ezra Bridger - Force-sensitive Thief.
My vehicles are : the new Millenium Falcon twice instead of one old Millennium Falcon (cost 4 instead of 5, has 3 damages side instead of 2 and an ability to activate a character which is real fun when it can be Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen because you get to resolve 2 dices without mitigation and sometimes it will be your Millennium Falcon that you will resolve also. Two Pirate Speeder Tank for his 4 damages sides instead of 2 damages side for the 2 T-47 Airspeeder. Two Resistance Bomber for is 3 damages side and one big 6 indirect damage for 2 ressources. It replace Black One and Ghost. I kept the 2 U-Wing, the 2 Y-Wing and the 2 Quadjumper because they are so good.
The specials. Using Cunning is good for using Force Speed, Mind Probe, Kylo Ren's Starfighter, Hondo Ohnaka - Respected Businessman, Yoda - Wizened Master, Saw Gerrera - Extremist Leader, Darth Vader - Dark Apprentice, Handcrafted Light Bow, Thermal Detonator, Obi-Wan Kenobi's Lightsaber or any cards with special your opponent can bring. Also, you can use your special on Y-Wing, U-Wing or Pirate Speeder Tank when they are in play. If you also have the new Millennium Falcon in play, you begin by activating the Falcon then you get a character activation with Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen and you can resolve Cunning special without being mitigated even if you need to focus it first. Cunning is an important card in this deck. There is a good chance I'll see one of my 6 vehicles having specials in play at the same time as Cunning. I can also steal a ressource with it by doing Ezra Bridger - Force-sensitive Thief special or put a vehicle in play by copying Hera Syndulla - Phoenix Leader special after her dices are removed.
The mitigation. I really love Into The Garbage Chute removing up to 2 dices showing damages while exausting Ezra Bridger - Force-sensitive Thief. Then, Electroshock, Pinned Down, Flank are almost always working during the course of the game. Sound The Alarm can be a saviour on god rolls from your opponent.
The new Pirate Speeder Tank is a nice addition as it has a special, same thing for U-Wing and Y-Wing,their specials can be use even if your opponent has an Honor Guard in play or has Sound The Alarm in his hand.
Friends in Low Places is key to discard removals from your opponent hand and to get knowledge of his hand. Rally Aid in play is so good combined with Tech Team, you can easily put a 4-cost vehicle from your hand in play for one ressource or a 3-cost for free or a 5-cost for 2 ressources. You need these cards if Hera Syndulla - Phoenix Leader is targeted first and killed fast. But with all the mitigation cards, you should be able to keep her for 2 full rounds at least.
I always take the opponent battlefield if it's not Emperor's Throne Room - Death Star II. Then, I put one shield on Hera Syndulla - Phoenix Leader and one shield on Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen.
I mulligan for Electroshock or Flank or Sound The Alarm for having 2 mitigation cards at least. Also, one economy card as being Tech Team or Rally Aid. If I get Cunning, I keep it. Same for Quadjumper with another vehicle.
In all of my three games, Cunning was the MVP helping to do damage from Y-Wing and Hondo Ohnaka - Respected Businessman and Mind Probe special. The Y-Wing was my second best and the new Millennium Falcon and U-Wing my third and fourth best card.
Try it and let me know if you change something that makes you win more. In short, it is fun, you'll almost never claim and your opponent might never take your battlefield else you might put and Y-Wing or Quadjumper or Resistance Bomber in play round one.