The first order elite (complete)

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Probabilidades: 0% – 0% más
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The first order elite (complete) 0 0 0 5.0
Inspiración para
The first order elite (complete) 0 0 0 8.0

Patpatine 195

2 comentarios

CycloneMetal 20

I'd highly suggest a second copy of Battle Formation if you can float it. also two copies of Covering Fire will do you wonders in this deck. I'd also suggest running at least one AT-DP for extra firepower and removal utility.

Patpatine 195

I am thinking of getting another battle formation in there, but whenever I have covering fire in my hand and at least three dice showing ranged damage, I always forget to use it and just go ahead and resolve the damage. But I'll think about the AT-DP. Thank you