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Serenicus 154

11 comentarios

ReconVs 2

Any success with this?

Serenicus 154

Hi, yesterday we started playing trilogy format in our local tournaments. I was 4-0 and win whole tournament. I suppose this deck is one of tier1 decks in trilogy format. Have great opening with 3-cost upgrade, specially with reys lightsaber when you have also extra two shielda and 1 damage from reys ability. Even in this format where card pool is low, and synergies isnt so obviouse, you have some tricks. 3 extra shields on ambush and attack with ataru strike are always big suprise for your opponent. Lukes protection protects you againts mill decks too :) And last, but not least, whole shield mechanic in trilogy is very good. There is lack of unblockable effects, so shields are always extra health. Have some issue with resource and first change i would make it will be add "adapt" to make extra cash. Right now dont know for what exacly i would change. But im pretty sure its nessesary.

ReconVs 2

That’s awesome. I’m going to play it locally this weekend. Let me know what you’d switch for Adapt. How did the Cruiser work?

ReconVs 2

Unbreakable seems really good too. How’s the Kylo/Frighten/Intimidate matchup?

Serenicus 154

@ReconVs Thanks for your replays!

Cruiser is solid in this deck. You have 2 sides of resource and 2 sides of specials, witch you can easly chained, and sweet focus. Everything you need. I even consider to switch r2d2 for another one.

Unbreakable is a good card too but you have already 10 cards to mitigate opponents dice. For me its enough, but feel free to add another one if you need it. Or if your meta is lack of indirect/range damage decks you can switch "force is with me".

Ofc Kylo2 is always a counter for every mono color decks. In trilogy you havent any secret tricks, you just have to rush your damage to kill him at the end of round 2. Same about frighten. If you play againts blue villan you have to play around this event. Witch means do not shield up to 3, split your shields of both characters to try decrease value of this events. Its hard, but still beatable. Cheers!

ReconVs 2

I just took out The Force Is With Me and replaced it with Unbreakable. Even with zero shields, which is unlikely with this deck, you can still remove a special. Did you try it with a few more Upgrades like Stun Baton or Vibrosword? What's your opening round typically look like with who to activate when, etc.? (Sorry I'm a newer player, but understand that there's more than just copying a list)

Sherman 20

I run something very similar to this deck. I recommend using the plot point Fortify instead. That way if you don’t get the shields at the start of the game you still can use Rey’s ability.

Serenicus 154

@ReconVs I played with two Stun Baton before but you dont need it. I think same story is with Vibrosword. I mostly try to start with 3 cost upgrade in my opening hand. If i cant find any then im looking for some shield generates and mitigation. I try to build up in round 1. You have to put an upgrade or two and after that focus to shield up and mitigate. Ofc Rey is more important than Aayla, but even if you lost Rey first, Aayla can handle with redeploy weapons and still win a game. From my experience when you shield up Rey, opponents go for Aayla first. I believe they think its easy, but you still can defend Aayla well and do damage with Rey. This deck have insane survivalability.

@Sherman I think about it. But when i test this deck i recognize that resource are biggest problem here. Not shields. Even if i havent any shields on rey when i activate her i can still put big upgrade in round 1. Miss 1 damage is nothing compare to put big 3 cost threat that start working since first activation.

Thank you both guys for your replays! Im glad to talk about this deck and trade some advices.

Husher315 23

Played with this tonight after a Standard Tournament twice against a Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician/FN-2199 - Loyal Trooper deck and it was fantastic. First match was close, as I went after Phasma first. Second match, got Rey's Lightsaber out first turn, and just didn't look back.

Serenicus 154

@Husher315Congrats mate! Glad to hear that news! Specially, when this deck was build into Trilogy format. In standard you have access to better upgrades and events so i belive it will be looks diffrent :)

CrowOfGames 9

Concentrate seems like it is better here than Clash. Same cost, same net effect of turning dice to sides you want.