Mill in a Jar (Jar) 4-4 Euros

Simulador de robo
Probabilidades: 0% – 0% más
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Ninguno. Éste es un mazo hecho de cero.
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Ninguno todavía.

Gaute&Filip 34

I piloted this deck to 4-4 in FFG Euros in Birmingham. I had no expectations going in, but I was super excited to get in a few victories. I had a concern about going to time before the tournament, but I could usually finish the games with 5-10 minutes left on the clock. The Deck contains a lot of one-offs, mostly due to me not being able to cut certain cards in favor of others.

Match 1: eRay2/eAayla - Loss. This game came down to the last roll, where opponent rerolls (with his last card) 4 dice, and needs to get at least 5 damage to kill of Rose. He gets 7 damage and wins. Really fun game to play.

Match 2: eKylo2/eAnakin - Loss. Not a great game on my part. I had lots of my MVP cards in the bottom half of my deck, and was too conservative with my discards to be effective. I also struggled with resources for mitigation. He killed off my last character with 6 cards in his deck and 3 in hand.

Match 3: Maz/e"Snap"/Padme - Win. I'm not actually sure if it was Maz or "Snap" that was elite. It was a mill, and that made me approach a little differently. I could focus more on ramping my own mill rather than protecting my character, and that resulted in a very fast mill-out.

Match 4: eObi2/eMaz - Win. I managed to keep my characters alive throug shielding up, and mitigating good rolls. Even thoug the opponent managed to prolong the game two turns with two Ancient lightsabres, he couldn't kill of Rose and Jar Jar.

Match 5: eBoba/e7th - Win. Tough game. Managed to get Maul's sabre out of his hand turn one. (I knew he had it in hand due to a Lightsaber pull). He got out a lot of damage none the less, and it was tricky to try and play around Boba special. Ended with Rose and Jar Jar barely alive, and less than a minute on the clock.

Match 6: "Driveby Shooting" - Win. My toughest game of the tournament. I Struggled a bit with resource management, and could not mitigate enough. I was lucky enough to have Force Illusion take 6 resistance bomber damage. Twice! And I also Hyperspacejumped out of lots of dice in the pool. I god-rolled Yoda. In the end it came down to the last roll again. He needed 1 to kill Jar Jar, and 6 to kill Rose. He rolled a combined 7 damage. I was just about to give up, when I remembered that we changed to Otho Gunga during the Jump. I claim to heal Jar Jar for 1 damage.

Match 7: eRey2/eAayla - Loss. This loss took me out of the top cut. I made a terrible misplay round 3. I had 4 resources and Fall Back in my hand. He had 3 upgrades on Rey. I got greedy and wanted him to play more upgrades before playing Fall Back, so I decide to play Force Illusion on Yoda. He has Vibroknife and kills Yoda... Terrible mistake. After that it was just a matter of time till he killed Jar Jar and Rose.

Match 8: ePoe2/eAayla - Loss. This game was fun to play. Most of the damage was done by a clever All In, played just in time before an Emergency Evacuation. I believe he had 7 or 8 dice in the pool, and basically one-shotted Yoda, and took out half of Rose. I'm happy that this game took the opponent to a good enough position to get the Spot Gloss.

2 comentarios

Matillis 1

Doesn't vibroknife only modify that lone die now, instead of all melee? Referring to match 7

Gaute&Filip 34

@MatillisHe had a +2 on vibroknife and a 1 on one of his other dice (maybe shoto?) so it was 3 unblockable. Enough to kill Yoda who had 7 damage already. I see that i didn't write it in the report.