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YodaPistols Top16 European | 3 | 1 | 0 | 1.0 |
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evilporg 95
This is the last iteration of Yoda Pistols to what I believe is a finalish version. In the end Into The Garbage Chute is up to two copies, as it is key to keep in check god rolls. Secondly C-3PO is there instead of R2-D2 because it's a much better card against the dreaded Close Quarters Assault and a great card in general which you don't necessarily mulligan in the first hand.
Summing up - how to run the deck:
- Keep Ezra alive for as long as you can.
- Pistols and airspeeders are the best pieces, cheap and effective. Look for one of them in the starting hand.
- Yoda's die is bonkers. You should slow play it looking for the maximum damage (sometimes it requires a bit of arithmetic puzzle solving).
- Rally Aid is a good card and it helps a lot but it's not super-duper strong. As a general remark this is not really (really) a vehicle deck.
- The perfect turn: Friends in Low Places and know your opponent's hand, control damage dice, setup up your (probably huge) damage.
- The worst case turn: opponent kills Ezra with unblockable damage and make you discard cards from your hand.
- Good match ups: any slow deck whick cannot kill Ezra quickly and will be choked by Ezra's special (Yondo, vehicles) or decks like Sabine because they don't really control your dice and suffer from the amount of damage you can quickly set up after they're done.
- Bad match ups: aggro decks which can set up a lot of damage and at the same time controlling your dice, like Boba-Seventh or Aurra-Talzin.
Playing against the deck:
- Be prepared for a long, grinded, game.
- Your discard sides, and discarding in general, are very good, resolve them as early as you can.
- Going after Yoda can be too difficult, so try to kill Ezra first. This will also disable its filp. Don't go after Rookie pilot, it's not worth it.
- Mitigating Yoda's dice can be extremely good.
That's it, but even though I had fun with the deck, now it's hopefully time to crack new cards and new strategies :)