Jackalmen Games - Thunder's 32 Health Hero Vehicles w/ WOTF

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Jackalmen Games - Thunder'sHero Vehicles w/ WOTF 0 0 0 3.0

Thunder 309

With the drop of Way of the Force! I was really excited by the additions we would get for a 4 wide Hero vehicles deck! I give all the credit to Tacster & Agent of Zion from the Artificery for inspiring me to take on this type of build. I have talked to Agent of Zion before regarding the mentality a player must have when piloting a vehicles deck...(pun intended) and he was very open with me about why decks like this are so strong. Starting off with 32 total health which is more then respectable compared to other HV decks (its actually the most) creates an instant up-hill battle for any opponent. Also keeping in mind one of them has the guardian text. The great benefit to playing HV is that you can slow play your deck and not be too concerned with racing your opponent to a claim. This type of play-style is extremely freeing and an overall less stressful way to pilot any deck. The amount of ramp (resource generation) is very efficient due to cards like Aftermath, Rally Aid, and Tech Team; which makes playing multiple vehicles a turn a real possibility. Your mitigation is some of the best in the game with staples like Easy Pickings, Pinned Down, Into the Garbage Chute, and Flank. It also has access to get into your opponents hand later in a round to remove any mitigation they may be sitting on until you finish rolling out all of your dice. One of the spiciest additions to this deck was the new event from WOTF "CONTROL." Being able to fix all of your dice in the pool can result in a huge blow out play and can certainly finish games. I will continue to do play testing with this deck and keep you updated on any changes that I feel would make it would even better.

3 comentarios

MrDSkis 1

Me personally I would go 2 arc170 instead of resistance bomber....i understand the insane health this deck has however I don't really see any reason to have rose other than the starting health hr ability is essentially just a resource side....which is good don't get me wrong but why not go for like a rookie pilot, little Anakin, Jedi temple guard, ezra lineup to get double yellow....anakin has 3 resource sides which I feel is better than rose especially since your not triggering her heal support ability on her special....i guess you have 1 resistance bomber but I already suggested taking that out....yhe health is nice but I feel like if your using her just for the health then sacrificing a few health to get another resource side and double yellow us worth it.

Thunder 309

@MrDSkisRose has a duel purpose on this one. Not only is her health 2 more than Ani but she will also heal the Bomber at the same time I am getting a resource. Anytime your dice can do 2 things is always better. When you are running the 4 wide set of HV its just about overall health bc you definitely lose the synergy of a 3 wide deck. Also now that Aayla got nerfed I think 4 wide is the only way to go. They are simply meat shields. I made this not as dependent on the spot yellow that the original HV deck was. It takes your opponent a decent amount of time to get through the hired gun because of the guardian from Temple Guard and the mitigation package. I may play around with another ARC-170 bc I do think that it is good i just don't like its cost of 3. But thank you for the suggestions.

psutton1012 109

Not running the resistance krait speeder is crazy