For the Rebellion! (Full Write-up)

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Burntuakrisp! 9

This deck basically allows you to resolve almost all your damage dice in a single turn using Maz instead of a second clone trooper.

The key component of the deck have to be Rex's blasters. Playing a single blaster on Rex, and another on the clone trooper allow you to claim the battlefield, roll out all 3 characters, re-roll one of your character die, and resolve up to 2 dice all in the same turn. Using things like hit and run allow you to resolve even more, especially when Maz's goggles roll that 2 focus side. The deck revolves around a lot of cards that benefit from controlling the battlefield. Things such as hasty exit and defensive position can almost be guaranteed playable every turn. As well as mortar team, resolving the indirect sides as ranged damage. However, in order to do this Rex needs to remain alive as much as possible. Hopefully by the time he dies you still will have close to 16 health on your other characters combined and not have a lot of damage needed to be dealt left. Things such as Hyperspace jump and First aid will slow your enemy down and should provide you with enough time to finish off your opponent in on big turn of resolving dice.

The weakest part of this deck is economy. To combat this, I loved getting prized Goods out on turn one or two. Exhausting the clone trooper with this early on really allows you to ramp much faster and get a lot of weapons out quickly. Well connected also is a nice little card to use early on for a hyperspace or pay for mitigation. I chose Moisture Farm as the battlefield just to keep my economy growing as much as possible.

This is an all original deck I put together and I am open to suggestions to refine it even more, thanks for your interest!

EDIT: Took out the Flanks and replaced them both with Superior Positions!

EDIT: Found the 2nd Maz goggles very useful. Replacing Maz's Vault with an additional

****EDIT: Added in: 2 Hidden Blasters 2 Suppresive Fires 2 Truces

Took out: 2 Mortar teams 1 Prized Goods 1 Poe Blaster 2 Glancing Shots**

5 comentarios

BeHereAllRey 1

Nice deck! Well done. But why Flank? Why not go with Superior Position? Relying on Rex to give you the battlefield seems better then having more readied characters then your opponent.

Burntuakrisp! 9

Good Point! I think that's much better

Pipic12 7

How about the 2nd Maz's Goggles? They can really improve dice consistency since you're playing non-elite Maz and you want them out turn 1 if possible. You could drop either Prized Goods or Maz's Vault.

Hessian Sack 1338

@Pipic12 do you mean so you can have two in play? Because they're unique. I think that the Prized Goods and Maz's Vault would be better.

Burntuakrisp! 9

@Pipic12 I would definitely consider it, If I were to remove one I would probably remove Maz's vault because prized goods doesn't benefit my opponent. However being a unique card, I can only have one out at a time. I'll try it out and see what performs better for me