Donkey Punch

Simulador de robo
Probabilidades: 0% – 0% más
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Ninguno. Éste es un mazo hecho de cero.
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Yobo Options 0 0 0 2.0

Sleazebaggono 137

The HERO Crime Lord deck you've all been waiting for. Special chain your way to victory.

You'll want to hard mulligan for Way of the Force and Truce to get Bo-Katan at full strength right away.

Most people will target Bo as she's your damage dealer and the only way to get crime lord on the table. Use mitigation to keep her alive and get your CL out by turn 2.

Making money turn 1 is a good way to go but don't be afraid to deal a little damage if that's what Bo rolls.

Use Yoda's specials to make money and turn dice if you need to, otherwise shield up.

By turn 3 you should have enough resources to start the crime lord fun.

If everything goes to shit, keep yourself alive with Second Chance and Lone Operative and switch to mill. This deck has 3 different possible ways to win and milling your opponent is definitely an option.

9 comentarios

Razelll 244

A hero Crime Lord deck. I like it.

LutanHojef 1

No chance cube? I would think that would be a great way to generate resources for Crime Lord. Also Blackmail would be another way to do it too.

RoAr 11

@LutanHojef, i would have thought Blackmail would be way to unreliable to work Chance cube i can get behind because you can manipulate the dice with Yoda, but Blackmail, the opp would probably ignore the disrupt sides

Sleazebaggono 137

@LutanHojef Chance Cube might be a good option, maybe swap out Pacify or Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder.

LutanHojef 1

@RoAr I chose chancecube since generally people will pay the resource to get rid of it, and if they do, you get another resource. If they don’t then things can get bad. I do understand not including it, just thought it would be worth mentioning.

Razelll 244

@LutanHojef You mean Blackmail?

LutanHojef 1

@Razelll oops, yeah meant Blackmail

DonavonMcDowell 28

Why do you put in way of the force? Wouldn’t that be wasting money and it doesn’t really help your win condition?

Sleazebaggono 137

@DonavonMcDowell this deck has potential to do decent damage, taking out supporting characters can be more cost effective than trying to crime lord a 4 wide squad.