The Rebel and the Wiseman (2nd Place Miniature Market Store

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Creyen 34

Well, this is my new version of the Jyn Mill that I posted a while ago.

I successfully piloted this deck undefeated until the finals and lost my last 2 out of 3 to the Yoda/Ezra/Pilot deck.

DISCLAIMER: This is not an autopilot deck, nor is it for a rookie, every decision matters and you are one bad choice away from losing the game at all points; having said that, if you play it perfectly you can wreck almost anyone with it.

I will try and describe briefly the games that I remember, however, if you want to use this list, you should just play it and tweak it to match your playstyle.

1st Game WIN: e-JarJar, Boss Nass, 2 Gungan Warriors. I actually think the gungan deck is pretty solid, I got my control upgrades out really early and from that point it was a done deal, he dealt a decent amount of damage but just did not get enough to kill my guys.

2nd Game WIN: e-Luke Reluctant Master, Maz Kanata. Oh boy, this was rough, he kept cheating a lot of actions, so I had to plan ahead every time to prevent the dead of one of my guys, Dex Dinner and Force heal were both MVPs here, would probably have been easier with a force protection but could never get it out, Yoda died on this game and Cassian was 3 in before I manage to take the whole deck.

3rd Game WIN: 2 Jedha Partisan, e-Plo Koon ( Minute 1:26-1:41 Mill vs mill, I got cunning down early on the game and got a couple of entangles on the Partisans, kept just dumping his entire hand every turn with Cassian and special chaining into discard with Cunning and Yoda.

4th game WIN: HOT CAKES!!!! Oh boy this was fun, as a one hit KO deck, he just did his thing, got to discard around 8 cards between deck and hand first turn, he did manage to salvo for 7 but I got it on round 3, just removed the Launch Bay die on turn 2.

5th Game WIN: Stormtrooper, e-Snoke, e-Bazine ( 3:05-3:35 This was a very close match, he got an awesome first Bazine full hand dump on the first turn, but that meant no massive amount of resources, he did manage to kill Joda but Cunning+Roguish charm were MVPs on the last round.

6th Game WIN: e-Ezra Bridger, e-Yoda, Rookie pilot ( 3:45-4:10 He got a lot of vehicles out but just were not lucky enough on the rolls, I also had really good discards to his control cards early on and that got me the edge to keep my board control die in the pool to prevent damage.

7th Game LOSE: e-Ezra Bridger, e-Yoda, Rookie pilot Rematch, only this time he got lucky with friends in low places a couple of times, and kept hitting the double focus on Yoda. He did not get a lot of vehicles out on this match but the 1 cost red pistol on Yoda was his MVP. He also got Ezra special every time I needed the resources so that hurt.

Overall I think this is one of the most solid mills you will play at the moment, as stated it requires a lot of brainpower and by the 7th round I was completely exhausted, so beware this is not for the faint of heart.

Pilot it well and you will for sure take your local store championship.

Most importantly, remember to have fun and keep it friendly with your opponents. Have a great day!

5 comentarios

the BEAST 1128

I’d say Lone Operative is better than Force Heal or Force Protection. I also think the upgrade suite is on the heavy side. I play this character combo with a faster version using Force Speed, Fast Hands, Hyperspace Jump, and Imperial Palace - Coruscant.

Creyen 34

I used to run Lone Operative In my previous version, however having the heal on just one of the characters limited the number of upgrades on Cassian Andor - Rebellion Operative, hence I decided to go with a Dex's Diner + Force Heal combo. As you said this is a heavy upgrade deck, so speed is not that critical to me since I am completely reactive, I rarely claim and when I do is usually just to heal. Right now the meta (at least where I live) is really vehicle heavy, so a slow dice on dice control deck is just fitting. If the meta switches to action cheating again, I will likely go with a more event oriented strategy, for the time being I am thinking about a couple of changes. As always I appreciate the feedback :) will check your list later, to see what sticks :P

the BEAST 1128

@Creyen Thanks for the reply. I haven’t posted my list yet, but I’m preparing for my store champs and will post something soon. Lots of people here run some kylo/pryce, so speed is important for me ;) I’m not sure if I’m gonna run my Cassian list or my rainbow vehicle though, so I’ll be going in some more testing.

IAmTheSenate1 1

Thanks for the write-up. Do you always take your own battlefield if you win the roll off? Or is there times where you take shields if you think the opponents battlefield won’t hurt you too much?

Creyen 34

I always take my battlefield, usually their battlefield has some importance (even if only to generate a single resource) also, consider that you basically get 2 health every time you claim (which would be comparable to 2 shields, only permanent). This battlefield has won me at least 3 games just by the sheer amount of healing you can get our of it. Have fun with the deck and good luck :)