DJ/Talzin/Executioner Top 8 finish Control Villain

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Probabilidades: 0% – 0% más
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DonavonMcDowell 28

curious how to make this better. Lost exclusively to people who made the cut (top 4). best Rex and troopers and Cad/Snoke and lost to the Hanger OTK and hero vehicles. any comments appreciated!

2 comentarios

takadimityrant 1

I did something similar an an SC, except I used Tie Pilot instead of Executioner. Keeps the dice synergy and makes the removal deck less susceptible to removal. Plus, with how annoying the other two characters are, it makes DJ the last target almost every game, giving you the most out of the DJ ability.

SirProyo 1

What do you think will be a good substitute for Dagger of Mortis?