4-character vehicle - 3rd place at 20ish player SC

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NOW THIS IS PODRACING! 6th place at SC 2 0 4 1.0
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ARGH - 2nd place store championship 1 0 2 3.0

RebelTraitor 259

Played this at my local store championship and I did pretty well. here are my matchups and some thoughts on the deck.

Round 1: Cad/Snoke. Thought I was going to lose this game early on because I couldn't ramp into enough vehicles. luckily, he didn't roll the two discard sides to get rid of my hand. I managed to get enough vehicles later in the game and killed both of his characters in one round (not from health the deck isn't that good). 1-0

Round 2: Poe/Cassian. By far the least close game of the tournament. I just managed to mitigate his dice and ramp into my vehicles. Cassian indirect almost never went off, and when it did I didn't care because I have 4 characters. I also managed to claim a lot and get a bunch of vehicles off. My opponent made a misplay with a placement of some indirect which allows me to kill Poe. It also helped that my opponent didn't roll very well. 2-0

Round 3: Kylo/Snoke: very similar to round 1 in that i thought I wasn't doing very well. I couldn't ramp enough. What little damage I put down was removed by double rise again. Eventually, I had a large amount of vehicles at the end of the game, but by this time we were almost out of time and I was behind on damage. I had a mostly healthy hired gun, and he had nothing dead. I managed to roll in all my vehicles and do enough indirect to kill snoke. Times running out and I'm still behind by a couple damage. I get a lucky re-roll and killed kylo with less than 30 seconds left in time while behind on damage. 3-0

Round 4: Thrawn/Snoke: This game was streamed on twitch by artificery if you want to watch, but I'll give you the basics here. His resource engine is much better than mine and he got At-St turn one. I think you can fill in the blanks from here/ 3-1.

Top 4: Kylo/Snoke(different player from round 3). Game one was really bad. My opponent did a lot of damage and I didn't get a swarm of vehicles out quick enough. I even got a time walk with noble sacrifice and couldn't kill a character. game two was much better, but he killed rookie round 1 because I couldn't mitigate dice. I did manage to leave snoke with 3 health after a noble sacrifice play and get out a 3 damage before my opponent killed me with a lighsaber throw.

Either my round 4 or my top 4 opponent ended up winning the tournament, not sure who at this point in time. I did some commentary for game 1 of the finals on the artificery twitch but I had to leave before the match concluded.

Cards I almost included: The second aftermath: Cut this for truce because they do similar things and I wanted to try out truce.

Hidden Motive: played pacify for this slot but I didn't like it. Most likely going to play motive over pacify in the future.

Defensive Racing, Scruffy-looking Nerf herder, anakin's podracer: All these cards deal with hand control, but none of them are as good as friends in low places or worth a slot over anything else.

Rally Aid: Only works some of the time so I got rid of it.

The second Flank: Cut this for electroshock because Flank doesn't work all the time.

C-3po: doesn't do enough for the board state.

Final thoughts: This decklist needs some changes, but I think it's pretty good. The concept has the potential to be one of the best decks in the format, but only if it can find a way to beat thrawn/Snoke. Please share your thoughts, because I can't do this alone.

8 comentarios

5P33D 75

Your list is a lot different than the one I built for a GQ pre WoTF that was largely based on Tacster's version. Good job at the tournament. A lot better than I did. Kylo/Snoke ended up sweeping thrawn/Snoke in the finals.

RebelTraitor 259

`@5P33D thanks!

dough54321 139

I think the N-1 Starfighter is a necessary inclusion with all the Snoke/Thrawn decks. I do think this deck is tops right now.

RebelTraitor 259

@dough54321 I'll try it out, thanks. I don't really feel like it's worth the 3 cost, but I'll give it a try.

inquistorsz 10

Is there a reason you chose Hired Gun over Rose?
Both are 8 cost for 9 health. Both have 2 resource sides. She can heal the bombers and the speeder. Bit less damage I guess.

Is it mainly for the spot yellow cards?

GandalfsHat 11

@inquistorsz makes a good point, plus Rose - Skilled Mechanic can be used to consistently pump up the Resistance Crait Speeder or keep the Resistance Bomber around. Also have you considered that you could swap in that 2 cost neutral support that gives shields to all your uniques? (anyone remember what it's called?)

RebelTraitor 259

@inquistorsz @GandalfsHat it's for the spot yellow and the extra damage. I do want to try out rose in this drck, probably swapping rookie for jar jar or Ezra so I can have two yellows. Thanks for the feedback!

RebelTraitor 259

@GandalfsHat it's called republic cruiser i believe. I would consider it if I were to play more unique characters, but right now it only helps Anakin and a lot of people target him first, so it becomes pretty much useless later in game.