I'll try milling, that's a good trick - SC 2nd/28, 6-0 swiss

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Mantaeus 37

Just Games Store Championship, Rochester NY, 7/29/2018

Good turnout with 28 players, with a very healthy mix of decks. It's been a long day, so no play by play, just some brief notes.

Round 1 - ePlo/Pad/Pad - Win

-Honestly, I don't remember too much about this game other than he had some bad rolls and I didn't.

Round 2 - Solo Sabine - Win

-This was probably the best game of Destiny I've played in a long time. Came down to the last re-roll with him having no cards in hand and a full health, readied Anakin. He rolled into 8-9 damage, Into The Garbage Chute took care of 5 of it for the win.

Round 3 - ePlo/Jedha/Jedha - Win

-Another mill deck. Kept his Partisan dice off the board long enough to get ahead in the mill race.

Round 4 - Hotcakes - Win

-Ditched the mill strat and went straight hand attack. Was able to strip enough pieces early that his combo never went off. Launch Bay never hit the table.

Round 5 - eGreivous/Guard - Win

-Another game that came down to one last re-roll that was foiled by mitigation.

Round 6 - ePryce/Aphra/Droid - Win

-He seemed to have a rough few early turns which was all I needed to keep his dice under control and mill out turn 4.

Due to time constraints from a larger than expected turnout, top 8 and 4 were best of 1 and the final was best of 3

Top 8 - eRex/Clone/Maz - Win

-Just did mill things while staying alive. Bad Maz rolls did him no help.

Top 4 - ePryce/Aphra/Droid - Win

-Much closer the second time around as he was able to drop a Hailfire early, but not quite enough to kill me before his deck went missing.

Final - eLeia/eYoda - Win/Loss/Loss

-We both agreed that these 3 games were probably the least fun all day. We were tired and the store had all but emptied. I took round 1, misplayed at the end of round 2 (I could have won, was too tired to actually see the line of play to do it), and round 3 the deck just didn't fire.

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