2ºnd place store 32! (4-1 swiss)

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kokokopion 2

1º round: vs yoda, anakin, cassian (win)

2º round: vs yoda, anakin, cassian (win)

3º round: vs luke, leia (win)

4º round: vs yoda, anakin, cassian (win)

5º round: vs yoda, cassian (lost)

semis top4: vs yoda, anakin, cassian (win)

final: vs yoda, hondo (lost), (win), (lost)

5 comentarios

Orffme 71

Looks like a boring tournament, lots of the same deck. How did that go?

kokokopion 2

yeah! it was... the top 8 was all mill except one. the thing was that this deck is so quick, more that the others mills deck (anakin, yoda, cassian)

SgtStenen 26

Holy Jesus, the apocalypse is here... How many mill decks in total of the 32 entered decks?

Platform327 51

I really like this deck

kokokopion 2

@SgtStenen it was crazy... of 32 people that we were in the store i think that 16 was mill decks, so crazy xD @Apone007 i really like too... have control, have healing, have very quick mill, its so broken in my opinion xD

if u like, hit me like! ^^ i really appreciate it ^^ and thx! for the comments