2nd Greek Nationals 9th place

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Probabilidades: 0% – 0% más
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14 player Store Championship winner, undefeated 19 13 2 3.0
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Ninguno todavía.

iaturobi 27

Deck analysis: -Game starts and you want at least 1 Streetwise and 1 droid first hand, so hard mulligan if you don't have those.

-Battlefield choice: You should mostly pick your battlefield! You get to do some damage with DJ - Treacherous Rogue -ability when you Guardian-remove an opponents die plus you get to push some damage to the character who isn't being focused (although any reasonable player should go for DJ first vs this deck). Also you deal mostly indirect damage so your opponent can't really get something from Guardian keyword.

-Combo strategy: First of all you should always remove as much of an opponent's dice you can and deal damage to them with DJ ability. The 2 droids help you get guaranteed 2 damage per turn plus you get to exploit aphra's ability! More cards=more removal available=more indirect damage with DJ - Treacherous Rogue & survivability of course! And for last....the Infamous part....Infamous is a great card in this deck, you get to do back to back single die removal and deal 2 damage as well, you can execute a 2-3 health single opponent with 1 removal plus droid activation or even just save your ass from defeat cause there are so many dice with modifiers that deal a lot of damage (yeah i'm talking about you Maul's Lightsaber ) and most people think they are safe to resolve those modifiers with only 2 black side dice! Besides that you get to play faster and sometimes actually claim first! I can go on forever explaining how great of a card infamous is but i think i made my point!!

-Upgrades: I think it's pretty simple, you have 21 health combined so you kinda need shields to survive! When you roll shields on aphra you should ALWAYS resolve them!! Personal Shield is here to protect you from ranged opponents or full opponents that can get your Hunker Down discarded easily!

-Characters: You need DJ alive as long as possible, so give him shields, push damage from droids, indirect, guardian, Dangerous Maneuver towards Doctor Aphra - Artifact Hunter when they hard focus DJ - Treacherous Rogue

-General Advice: If you have at least 1 Streetwise in early rounds (first round is da bomb) then you should be feeling a little confident that you can survive till you find the BT-1 droid! Once BT-1 droid is out you can get cards faster out of your deck exploiting aphra's ability and with some luck 0-0-0 and the 2nd Streetwise will come faster in play! When you have 2 droids+2 Streetwise i believe you can combat any deck, you deal so much indirect plus sustain (droid) damage and besides staying alive with all these removals you also get to tilt your opponent!

-Bad matchups: Any deck with Kylo Ren - Tormented One or the hero mill with Yoda - Wizened Master - Cassian Andor - Rebellion Operative - Anakin Skywalker - Podracing Prodigy! Kylo ren is actually kinda manageable besides the guaranteed 2 damage per turn you get in the face! I had never once defeated the hero mill before the greek nationals where i got my first victory in the first round!

-Greek Nationals rounds: -1st Round WIN vs the hero mill: I got both droids and 1 Streetwise first hand after mulligan and got the money to play them from double resource aphra roll ...sooo that went really well after that!

-2nd Round LOSS vs eKylo/eSnoke: I actually killed Kylo with the Relentless Pursuit combo but both 0-0-0 were at the bottom of my deck and infamous were nowhere to be found as well, so i lost to a 2 health Snoke when he rolled 2 black side and a +2 and i could remove only 1 of them.

-3rd Round WIN vs eKylo/ePryce: in this one i had both Streetwise first round and my opponent focused Doctor Aphra - Artifact Hunter after i got some damage on her from Guardian, he probably though he could burst her fast but that wasn't the case since i had enough money to play removals like In The Crosshairs and Reversal

-4th Round LOSS vs eKylo/ePryce: He played New Orders 2nd round and got some hard damage with Pryce by the time i killed Kylo it was already too late

-Last Round WIN vs eZeb/eYoda: Well this matchup went great for me, 2nd turn i had both droids and both streetwise in play, i actually rolled a lot of indirect damage plus removals in this one so it was only a matter of time especially after i got an infamous in play as well!

-Greek Nationals had 4 Kylo Ren decks, 3 eDooku/eMother Talzin, 2 hero mills, 1 eFinn/eMaz, 1 eObi/eMazz, 1 eMother Talzin/ 2x Mandalorian Commandos, 1 eZeb/eYoda and of course mine eDJ/eAphra

-To sum up i had the worst possible matchups, but both games i lost were really close vs the 2 decks that went top 4, so i think this is actually a really fun and competitive deck! (...as long as you don't play against it :D )

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