Retribution Grievous

Simulador de robo
Probabilidades: 0% – 0% más
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Miket1100 430

I derived this deck after seeing something similar floating around here last week. As it plays, it's pretty straight forward. The release of Energy Bow and Retribution gave Grievous a much needed boost. As always you'll want to have It Binds All Things in your starting hand, Energy Bow being a 1 cost blue weapon is great. As the game progresses, overwrite for more powerful weapons as needed. Once you have 4 weapons on our Fearsome Cyborg, use Tactical Mastery or Stifle (played right before Grievous's activation) to help assure you'll be able to take advantage of his power action.

This deck had been decently successful in my tests so far.

I'm open for suggestions to make this deck better (keep in mind the odd number engine), but not sure how much more tweaking it can get. This is currently my 7th iteration. I was pondering replacing the Crafted Lightsabers with Shoto Lightsabers to give Grievous a little more staying power, let me know what you think.

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