Guess Who's Back.....

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I took this deck to Minnesota Regional and went 4-4. I literally made it the day before the tournament after practicing against a Vader deck and getting my butt kicked. I didn't get much practice before and tweaked it a bit after, but I really think it has more potential than what I was able to give it at the regional. The unfortunate thing about this deck is that it will no longer be legal when the next set drops. So I wanted to publish it and let someone think about taking it to another big event. Its heavily catered against Vader, but it does really good against lots of decks in the meta. Its weakness is action cheating, but there isn't much out there in that nature.

What it does. I noticed in the meta lately super expensive cards in decks thanks to theed. Seeing massive turn one plays that make or break the game. My solution was, drain there resources. With blockade and salvage stand you can keep them off their resources well. And actually these guys have a good rolloff to help you keep them off of theed too. Do a hard mulligan for salvage stand and keep them begging for money. Then the sweet thing happens. Using Wullf you can control what they have in there hand. Leave the high cost cards there and get rid of the small control cards. Then use Unkars broken ability and discard those huge cards and make money for it. You can buy out big by round 3 most times. But even if you don't, the amount of control in this decks help you last and mill them straight from their hand. Its really a beautiful and infuriating thing. Watching them discard there expensive cards so you don't Unkar them. Having all the money in the world for massive removal. Its super fun to play, and super hateful to play against. I hope someone can find this and make it work for them. It does take a little practice, Wullf is a hard character to make work, but I think its worth it.

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