General Grievous and his new, slightly smaller, droid "army"

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501st 30

General Grievous just lost the battle of geonosis, so only one droid remains of his army. The general realized that petty blasters are no good against jedi, so he decided to use 4+ lightsabers. When he goes to the 2nd battle of geonosis, he gets pretty mad, so he starts using Furious Assaults, in which he makes a Grand Entrance. The Sentinal droid can Probe for weaknesses, yet no amount of probing will warn the general that you were his friend. Instead of talking about it, he will use the Chain Sickle, and he also stole Palpatine's Lightsaber, just to kill you with! I hope this will help you in the future. Just remember, with droids, you might get a period of A Sinister Peace!

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