Mace and Qi'Ra hit the mean streets

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Davclarke 60


Here's a variant of the Mace-Bandolier combo.

This one uses single die Mace Windu - Inspiring Mastere and double die Qi'Ra - Street Savvy, to give your opponent a tough choice for who is the bigger threat. (if Mace goes down Qira can stack up the equipment for Fatal Blow) (if Qira goes down Mace can stack up the equipment for Fatal Blow)

If Mean Streets - Correlia is out, Try to draw into Closing the Deal and claim turn 1 for a quick 3 resource ramp, giving you 7 resources in turn 2.

Mace's ability with Renewed Purpose, are intended to be used early to get Custom Bandolier all the cheap equipment to boost Fatal Blow.

Resilient and Way of the Force are intended to help keep character dice available for Fatal Blow

Not a ton of mitigation (force jump, beguile, bacta therapy, entangle), but the idea is to ramp quick and hopefully cause burst damage fast enough to disrupt your opponent.

need to test, but might drop one holocron and luke's rod for some more potent damage weapons?


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