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Fenn Rau II 126
I have always been a Fenn Rau fan. When they first announced him in the Allies of Necessity draft set, I was determined to put him in a pretty good deck. I immediately realized that Kes Dameron was the best pairing for this deck. I have play tested this deck, while it pumps out a ton of damage each turn, it is a ton of fun to play!
I realize that many are going to suggest that I replace Fenn with Rex, and I have to admit that Rex works better in this red hero deck, but I really wanted to make a Fenn Rau deck, even if it is not as good as a contemporary deck.
There is one card I want to point out in this deck, Final Moment. Now, this card isn't extremely useful in this deck, and it rarely pulls off well, but it is in the deck just for fun.
The key to this deck is being able to get your battlefield. In your opening hand, you want to be looking for at least one blaster, maybe field medic, and a conscript squad for extra damage.
Hope you all appreciate this deck, and feel free to add any suggestions you think would help make this deck better.