Droppin 7's

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DimmFet 33

Trying to make Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary work, similar to what was going on with Ciena Ree - Adept Pilot back in the Awakenings block. I have tested this multiple times, and it doesn't work....

The thought is hard mulligan for Delve and one of your 5 supports. Typically, I actually do get this opening combo, as well as a Logistics/Truce Use Wat Tambor - Techno Union Foreman to focus your Boba/support dice and do work. Theoretically, you could easily drop 21 damage round 1, 14 Direct via Boba dice, and 7 .

But it is so damned squishy, and if they remove Boba dice/Support dice, you are screwed.

What can be changed to make this work?

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