Terror and Fodder

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Darth Mall 1

Trying out a deck with cards that I own. Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanks for looking!

2 comentarios

Izzy2x 130

I would swap out both dagger of Mortis and maul's lightsaber with Bloodlust. The issue that you'll have with this deck, is that the 1 cost cards become expensive when you're trying to save 3 for a weapon. Tactical mastery is an amazing boon when you're trying to finish out too. Fear and dead men is helpful against 3 wide.

Darth Mall 1

thanks @Izzy2x for the suggestions! I thought of Tactical Mastery after I made the deck. Bloodlust is definitely a worthy suggestion as is Fear and Dead Men if I had it haha I would also add Treasured Lightsaber if I had any of those.