4-0 Mango (Maul Jango)

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Ninguno. Éste es un mazo hecho de cero.
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Ma-Ma-Mango! 3 2 0 1.0

DTokz 147

I think the concept is pretty straight forward -- Jango makes money, throws an upgrade onto Maul, and then Maul does Maul things.

One of the really neat interactions is Vibrocutlass with Maul's power action, since his ability ignores the resource cost. The Cutlass is also a great target for Fear and Dead Men. I know a lot of Maul decks aren't taking FADM because it seems redundant with his ability, but it pays off when you naturally roll into a big side, or are against a 5 wide Ewok deck, which is probably the scariest thing for this to face.

I normally don't like Quickdraw Holster in Jango decks because he typically doesn't get many weapons (just equipment), but in this case the redeploy weapons make it a really strong upgrade.

9 comentarios

Snortado 57

This looks like like a blast! Didn't realize Maul's PA bypasses cost sides, could catch. No Fatal Blow w/Jango?

DTokz 147

It was a lot of fun, especially because it's not trying to maximize any one particular gimmick.

Maul's ability getting to ignore both pay sides and modifiers is really a huge benefit, but note that it doesn't count as resolving the die or that die dealing damage, so you can't trigger the effect of things like Darth Vader's Lightsaber, Chain Sickle or Grappling Boa.

As for Fatal Blow, I'm on the fence. If I played it, I'd drop a Fear and Dead Men unless I'm particularly worried about Ewoks. I think the most upgrades I had at any time on Jango was 5, after inheriting a weapon from Maul. 2 resources for 5 damage is a game-winning move, but it's also a dead card early on in the game. I think I might rather just have an Entangle instead.

Snortado 57

Maul's power action would still work to remove Darth Vader's Lightsaber +4 side for 8 total. Thinking about swapping it for 1 Heirloom Lightsaber. Removing Scimitar for Entangle or Electroshock. Maybe remove another lightsaber (dooku or sith) for another mitigation or Fatal Blow. Thoughts?

Snortado 57

DTokz 147

@Snortado I didn't go with Vader's Saber because of the lack of redeploy. A late game Jango with extra HP from Armor Plating and Helmets plus Quickdraw Rerolls and 2-3 big weapons is incredibly scary.

Snortado 57

Right, right... Excited to put this together. Not in love with Scimitar and may swap it out for Entangle or Armed to the Teeth, but thanks for the tips. Do people normally go after Maul first?

DTokz 147

@Snortado Since it's so easy to make money and throw a weapon onto Maul in round 1, yes, he ends up being the primary target.

The Scimitar isn't the most exciting card in there, and can definitely be taken out, but it provides a nice disincentive for your opponent playing events. If you do have it, you'll most likely be activating it first and resolving its die so that when your opponent plays an event you can bounce it back to your hand and play it again for just 1 (net) resource. It's okay in here, but with elite Maul and Wat Tambor - Techno Union Foreman it's almost a mini Vader's Fist.

General Vatutin 26

@Snortado @DTokz So How is this doing?

DTokz 147

Listen—people be askin' me all the time

"Yo D-tokz, what's gettin' ready to happen with Mango?"

Where do you think Mango is goin'?

I tell em, "You know what's gonna happen with Mango?

Whatever's happening with us"

If we smoked out, Mango is gonna be smoked out

If we doin' alright, Mango is gonna be doin' alright

People talk about Mango like it's some giant livin' in the hillside

Comin' down to visit the townspeople

We are Mango

Me, you, everybody, we are Mango

So Mango is going where we going

So the next time you ask yourself where Mango is going

Ask yourself: where am I going? How am I doing?

Till you get a clear idea

So if Mango is about the people

And Mango won't get better until the people get better

Then how do people get better?

Well, from my understanding people get better

When they start to understand that they are valuable

And they not valuable because they got a whole lot of money

Or 'cause somebody, think they sexy

But they valuable 'cause they been created by God

And God makes you valuable

And whether or not you recognize that value is one thing

...Also, I switched up to wrecking Ewoks with mill.