The Rainbow Exterminator

Simulador de robo
Probabilidades: 0% – 0% más
Derivado de
Ninguno. Éste es un mazo hecho de cero.
Inspiración para
Tattoine Retribution 0 0 0 1.0

Beastbeast 100

ABT baby... Always, be, trying...

2 comentarios

Beastbeast 100

Have only run this 5 times so far.... it is 3-2. One of the losses was a couple of boneheaded mistakes by me through the game. Wins were against, Palp/Jabba, Iden/Phasma, Yoda/Organa.... losses were 3po/R2/Chopper, and Yoda1/Leia/Mill (this was the one that I should have won). Will keep tweaking.

lingerlange 8

Where does the damage come from?