3C Phasma Control

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Swifealth 2

Control deck

Win Con: Damage

Full dice control/damage mitigation with 2x Guardian and hefty dice removal event package.

Underworld Connections is very important. It is the card you always mulligan for. Not necessary to play two during a game, but it is vital to draw and play at least one, preferably during the first round.

Deck plays very reactive. Using guardian properly as well as keeping Flank active is key to progressing through each round. Always keep in mind what dice an opponent has in play or can roll into play so you can maximize efficiency of removal with Guardian/Events. Using the correct choice of removal in each situation is game changing. Keep in mind that Nightsister has the added bonus of being to reroll any die. While this is a powerful ability, her Guardian ability is more important. Be aware of this when choosing which Guardian to resolve damage.

Disarm is very strong but only in certain match-ups. Most games you will use at least 1 but not until round 2 or 3. Not necessary to mulligan for or keep in the first round (for most match-ups).

Take advantage of Tusken Raider's ability. Even if the roll is a 1 Melee or 1 resource, you often should discard to resolve immediately. This allows you to take less actions overall, which directly affect how early you can claim the battlefield without losing too many dice resolutions (don't be afraid to lose a couple of dice if it means you get initiative in the next round).

Removal package is very simple. Use Flanks when you can. He Doesn't Like You is very powerful but be prepared to claim battlefields so you can always roll dice into pool to "turn on" He Doesn't Like You.

Backup Muscle is obviously very strong, but is the late game finisher for the deck. Never keep in the opener. There are much more important cards.

As for the upgrades,

  • On the Hunt - Very good on Tusken as it allows you to activate guardian as well as On the Hunt dice removal in one action. 2x dice removal with one action.

  • F-11D, DH-17, Holdout, Jetpack - All fit similar roles (outputting damage) with the added bonus of Jetpack being dice removal. These upgrades will generally go on Phasma, as you want to keep the guardian abilities active. However, Nightsister is also a great choice for redeploy weapons.

  • Hunker Down will usually go on Nightsister/Tusken to help mitigate their guardian damage.

Overall this is a strong yet versatile control deck. Might take a couple of games for you to learn all the nuances, but this is definitely a deck that rewards smart and skillful play. Using Guardian properly, taking advantage of Tusken ability and even Nightsister's action will take time to learn, but is a very fun and rewarding deck to play.

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