New deck: eAckback/Luke

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New deck: eAckback/Luke 0 0 2 1.0

Kestral2040 193

The point of the deck is to ramp out a Launch Bay (or Black One as a backup) ASAP. It then relies on focus to ensure the Launch Bay is rolling damage and Luke's activation ability to consistently hit for 6. The challenge is keeping Ackbar alive, people will target him first because of the HP and having two dice. That being said, this allows you to load up Luke with upgrades for when Ackbar eventually dies. Also, Black One with a excess focus is great, you can keep turning it to the special and rerolling it if you have too much focus for your dice.

I keep pretty much all upgrades off of Ackbar aside from Promotions and Jedi Robes. Rearm is in there basically as a bonus resource, for example you can play a Promotion on Ackbar, overwrite it for 1 with a Jedi Robes (or Comlink or any 2 drop) then bring the Promotion back with Rearm. Also, Force Misdirection is great here with the possibility of rolling both melee and ranged damage on your blue dice.

Of note, Mos Eisley is the Battleground because this is a SLOW deck. You will almost never get to claim (also this is why I don't run Dug In), so you want to have a battleground that the opponent will not be able to use against you to great effect.

2 comentarios

tunewalker 74

So looking at this I had a really crazy thought with it. Instead of Black one as a support getting Outpost as a support which has a special side that allows you to use the battlefield ability as if you had just claimed it. With a Promotion on the field if you roll that you can resolve the special to return promotion to your hand gain a resource then for 1 cost play promotion and draw a card (hand size 6) then exhaust Luke (hand size now 7) and then if you exhaust ackbar follow up with an Award ceremony for 1 cost to draw 2 cards, Hand size now 8. Now you have crazy 8 damage on Launch bay, strategic Planning for 7, and if you can manage another strategic planning that would be 6 more for a hilarious 21 Damage is 1 turn. :)

Kestral2040 193

I like where your head's at as that is totally insane :) I've been trying to find somewhere that Outpost isn't the worst card ever :D (currently trying it in a padme/ackbar/trooper mill deck where I use the senate thing as the battlefield for extra mill