eAurra Sing / Death Trooper - Death by Aurra

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Probabilidades: 0% – 0% más
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Ninguno. Éste es un mazo hecho de cero.
Inspiración para
eAurra Sing / Phasma - Phasmic Singer! 0 0 0 1.0

Enfantterrible 171

Originally this deck started out with eBala-Tik and eAurra Sing, but eventually came down to swapping Bala for the Death Trooper simply due to reliability on the dice. Death Trooper has an amazing 3+1 damage sides, which becomes truly deadly with Training. It's that simple - reliable damage output. The combination of red and yellow, allows for good dice modification and great red cards (Imperial Inspection works wonders in this deck with 3 character dice having - great way to get rid of those pesky Vibroknifes).

You want to see Fast Hands and Training in your starting hand ... Hard mulligan for either ... Aurra Sing becomes a beast when able to resolve her 2 immediately (which with her special ability becomes a 3) or even the can wreck your opponents early game.

Resources can be scarce in this deck, but it really helps that you can, when needed, resolve the side of Aurra for 2 s. Especially midgame when Aurra inevitably will be targeted down, aim for the 2 extra s, taking your tally to 4 and put Slave I into play. It's almost like getting a 2nd character.

I rarely, if ever, equip Aurra with anything but a Holdout Blaster or a DH-17 Blaster Pistol, she is always going to get targeted down. The only exception to this is if the opponent contrary to normal gameplay decides on taking out the Death Trooper, in which case you build your boardstate with Aurra. Jetpack is almost useless on Aurra, because in most cases when you activate her, she will show 1 and 1 w///. If she is equipped with Fast Hands she will usually resolve the for swift damage and that leaves the jetpack + a bit stranded. Personal Shield is one of my favorites on Aurra.


DH-17 Blaster Pistol is amazing, 1 and a great base profile, with 2 sides showing base and one +.

DT-29 Heavy Blaster Pistol is tricky, but I think it works well on the Death Trooper. I usually bring it in by overwriting a DH-17.

F-11D Rifle is in for the, essentially, 4 damage sides (if you count in the ), it's redeployable and if the Death Trooper is alone also a vital .

Fast Hands for that sweet sweet 3 from Aurra.

Holdout Blaster is a stable.

I'm very much in doubt about Jetpack - it can win the day, but is not as consistent as I would like it to be, although the can be sweet against decks.

Personal Shield is great on Aurra and can keep her going much longer than you'd expect for a 10health character.

Training ---- rooooooaaaarhh ... this is what makes the Death Trooper tick. He is a beast with the 2 character dice.

Backup Muscle - well .... gotta have it!

Imperial Inspection to get rid of nasty equipment and upgrades - also works great with the disrupts on Aurra and DT.

Disarm - bye bye Vibroknife.

Endless Ranks will be leaving the deck, since most opponents will target Aurra first anyways, just need to find out what to replace it with - suggestions are welcome.

Battlefield is tricky. I chose Frozen Wastes because this deck tends to finish fast, and being able to remove that character die can be vital for the survival of Aurra (in particular in the early parts of the game).

Try out the deck and please report back with your feedback :)

7 comentarios

cjfm 35

I like the build! Endless Ranks is pretty blank in this deck, though. Once people start to realize how to play against it (kill Aurra first), you will never play it (if you've ever played it). Also, the deck doesn't have a lot of ways to make money. Same issue with Slave 1 for me. I'd go another F-11D and cut the DT-29, too, but that's just my preference (not a fan of DT-29).

Enfantterrible 171

cjfm, I agree with Endless Ranks, and it will be leaving the deck as soon as I find out what to put instead. Usually ppl target down Aura fast, so even if you had the resources the card would be obsolete.

Slave-1 though .... uuuuhhhhh .... that's a scary support, and at 4 points I usually manage to get it down in most of my games. It's great when Aurra finally goes bye-bye to have that extra damage die.

cjfm 35

Hm, I'll have to try it, though I rarely have money for anything over 2. Usually my resources are split between weapons and disruption. I'll give it a shot :)

Counthermula 8

What do you think about Supporting Fire? Seems you can exhaust it to resolve an Aurra dice, then trigger her ability to boost it again.

Enfantterrible 171

So, recently I've been running this deck with 2 bait'n'switch which works wonders, and I would consider Supporting Fire a really great addition. That would essentially turn your resource side into 3+1 ranged. I would probably take out Imperial Inspection.

Counthermula 8

I find Imperial Inspection to be such a good card for tempo. In my opinion you should keep it in, and get rid of Endless Ranks and a single Jetpack. You could then change the battlefield to Docking Bay - Finalizer, allowing you to claim and drop one of your 7 supports at a discount. Just my opinion.

cjfm 35

Do not play Supporting Fire--I've tried it. It doesn't work with Fast Hands, costs 2, and makes the deck slower.