No Legend Quad Fodder Trooper Spam v4

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Book 1394

Been playing this as cards were slowly spoiled and it felt like a strict improvement on the Awakenings build off which it was based. First off, we swap out Tusken for Guavian. This gives us overall more HP and ranged sides. Further, it pairs much better with Bait and Switch. At worst, he can snipe a shield, which is ostensibly damage. Tusken was faster, yes, I am quite happy with the swap.

Speaking of ambush effects, we also gain Battle Formation, which in this particular character composition functions somewhat like a Tactical Mastery insomuch that you can reroll, often 3 dice, and then sneak in damage. Improvisation is another new ambush card, this time allowing us to turn those dreaded blanks from our troopers and DH-17 Blaster Pistol that are so often rolled into much needed rerolls. You only ever want one of these in play, and there are def arguments against its inclusion at all, but thus far, it has proven useful as you approach the midgame. Rerolls are vital, and though a reductive effect, you can only pitch so many cards in a game.

As with Enforcer and Improvisation, we gain a new upgrade that can help smooth out rolls in Imperial Discipline. I never liked Promotion.


The deck is meant to leverage speed and the disposable units to kill key characters. It has a metric assload of die removal and manipulation: Electroshock, Flank, He Doesn't Like You, The Best Defense..., and even Jetpack and On The Hunt.

Your biggest and best turns usually are on the back of Squad Tactics. Having played the old build for so long, I honestly found Tactical Mastery lackluster with the lineup. Battle Formation can function in a similar capacity while giving you much needed rerolls.

The only choices over which I worry are the aforementioned Improvisation and Jetpack. The former may just be too weak an inclusion--I took out Hunker Down for this after realizing I would rather be killing things than gaining shields. The latter is just so prone to disruption with all the new events and effects in the new set. However, a + ranged side can quickly become a kill shot on the back of a good Battle Formation. It's certainly impressive how one different character and swapping out only 6 other cards can make such a massive difference.

Since we are so weak on shields, I am giving the seemingly awful Ewok Village - Endor a try as the new battlefield. Prior, I was using Mos Eisley Spaceport - Tatooine, but with Fast Hands--which is bad in this deck--and Force Speed out there, last thing I want is resource gaining shenanigans.


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