ePalp [3-1 Local Tournament Mannheim / Germany]

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Probabilidades: 0% – 0% más
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Let the Hate Flow Through You 31 25 30 1.0
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Ninguno todavía.

NerfHerder 7

Hello everyone,

this is a tournament report from our first tourney featuring Spirit of Rebellion. Due to short notice we were only eight players, still we decided to play four rounds, to get some games in with the new cards and dice. I rolled out with ePalpy, because - BECAUSE!

Before going into the matches a few words about some cards.

Overconfidence This card is just plain superb. Most of the times it is able to reduce the damage drastically and on top of it it takes a way a die. From my point of view one of the best die-manipulation cards which the blue cards are offering us.

No Mercy I played this card before, but compared to others characters before, Mr. Palpatine - Galactic Emperor is the guy who really shows No Mercy. With the high damage output (even if splitted among characters) the cards will come handy turn 2 or 3 to kill one of the opponents characters. Yes, you'll most probably loose your hand and therefore your rerolls for this turn, but the trade is worth it.

Premonitions I have to admit, I misread the card, or better I didn't recognized that my opponent could play his first copy using the second part on my first copy and get my card for free. This makes this card really really dangerous and nearly unplayable versus other blue-based deck.

Anger Do me a favor. Don't play this card, because it is just not good, it reads like a beauty, but it won't happen.

GAME #1 - eVader/Royal Guard This game was a nailbiter. The Royal Guard is perfect to suck up some damage, because while resolving my damage dices, he doesn't trigger Palpatine - Galactic Emperor ability. Needless to say that the battleground he choosed Secluded Beach - Scarif helped to reduce my damage output, too. Additionally a Vibroknife on Turn 1 made my shields looks silly. Anyhow, in the end the Rise Again bit dust and with some heeling from Rise Again the Palpatine - Galactic Emperor was able to finish Darth Vader - Sith Lord off. 1-0

GAME #2 - eKylo/eBabyDarth He won the die roll and choose to use his battleground, The Carbon-freezing Chamber - Bespin, which is definitly a battleground which is capable to keep the Emporer in line - damagewise. Of course he needs to take it early. I was able to get some early damage in, and on turn 3 Palpy was ready to show No Mercy and killed Kylo Ren - Vader's Disciple. Darth Vader - Dark Apprentice was left alone, equipped with a Vibroknife he couldn't stand his master. The game ended quickly. 2-0

GAME #3 - ePoe/eMaz I won the die roll and had to make the tough decission to make if I can risk it to use his Emperor's Throne Room - Death Star II or my battleground. I know that the damage output of Poe Dameron - Ace Pilot in this deck can be enourmous and his battleground helps him to increase this, on the other hand two more shield on my side and no shield on Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen could help me to kill her by Turn 2 or 3. I am still not sure which is right way. I decided to take the shields. Which leads into quick turn 3 kill of Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen, thanks to No Mercy. Still Poe Dameron - Ace Pilot was very dangerous with two Planetary Uprising damage was stacking up on the Master very fast. In the end it was Overconfidence which took away all chances from Poe Dameron - Ace Pilot and lead into victory for Palpatine - Galactic Emperor. A really interesting thing to see was my set up at the end of the game, Palpatine - Galactic Emperor had an Immobilize and two Sith Holocron attached, which means the damage output was somewhat limited, but on the other hand, if you go for No Mercy those thing will happen. 3-0

GAME #4 - Trooper/Trooper/TIE Fighter/Guavian Enforcer I guess this is one of the "not that easy"-match ups for our fellow Emperor. My opponent won the die role and opted to play at my battleground. In the early two turns I was able to stack some damage on his guys, meanwhile he was hitting me back for good amounts. I tried to set up a three character kill in one turn, which - to be honest - didn't worked out. The first trooper felt without any problems, netting him two resources but thanks to his additional actions I wasn't able to find a position to get rid of the next trooper. Thanks to his extra money he was able to deploy Slave I, the turning point, I got in the defence and needed to do all dice manipulation I could do at this point. In the end it didn't helped, we had two dice left, showing the grand total of 7 damage. Well - exactly the amount which will finish my Palpatine - Galactic Emperor off. The game would have been very interesting if this would be 6 damage, anyhow - that's how it works, and the Emperor felt for the first time. 3-1

In the end I was quite happy, had some great games, got Jango Fett and Electroshock promo and some packs. Perfect!

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