eSnap Commando Trooper

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Jarjarbot 8

Took this deck to store championship (5/13/17) And took second place

1st round vs Palpatine TIE Pilot I won the roll and took my battlefield. The first few rounds I got my flanks and rebel assaults and he ended up rolling poorly with Palpatine. With that combo I chipped away and defeated Palpatine leaving a TIE Pilot with only training on him left, I took 3 damage the while game using my Trooper to guardian Palpatines 3 range side.

2nd round vs. 2x Stormtrooper 2x Guavian Wow. Talk about health! Looking at my opponents HP pool did intimidate me but I shook it off. I was able to get a Planetary Rising out on turn 2 plus a training and overkill on my commando and started plucking away. Wingman went to Snap whenever I got it so I could act fast and I think my opponent only claimed once this game. Once again it was my battlefield.

3rd round vs. ePhasma Krennic I won the roll and chose my battlefield. I decided to focus on Phasma first after the first round when I realized he wouldn't be claiming between Snaps ability and how fast I was playing. I ended up getting both Planetary Uprisings put and claiming at the start of the last round to kill Krennic and win.

4th round vs. eVader Apprentice ekylo I won the battlefield roll (now realizing I won the roll most of the day). This game was surprisingly close considering he killed Snap round 1, hah. I really could not roll or refill into anything. My commando would roll blanks and specials 90% of the time. It came down to his Kylo with 6 health left and my Commando with 3. If I rolled just 2 damage I could have claimed to Uprising kill Kylo bit I just couldn't roll.

Top 4 best 2 out of 3

Vs. eVeers Nightsister Trooper I'll start with saying I won 2 matches in a row both games had me Its a Trap one shot one of the non-unique characters. He wasn't able to claim at all because of Snap and the second game ended with my tricked out Commando using Hit and Run to roll our 10 damage and kill Veers (2 range 2 range +3 range +3 range because and training and 2 overkill)

Finale vs. eVader Apprentice ekylo again I really can't say much about these matches. I pitched 9 cards in two rounds and did zero damage. Whenever he did roll the ranged on Vader I never had Its a Trap. I killed Vader both matches but just could not roll damage afterwards. The first match my Trooper did all of the damage.

All in all it was a very fun deck to play. Training, DH-17, Wingman and Overkill we're fantastic upgrades. Planetary Uprising was very nice as a support.

A180, IQA-11, C-3PO, and Defensive Position we're only used for refills during the whole day. The 3 cost funs just seemed too expensive, 3PO seemed like it would have slowed me down and Defensive Position really never had a moment to shine properly. Those would be some cuts for me, I'd have to think of replacements first.

Thanks for taking the time to look!

1 comentario

Cubo 124

Nice. Congrats and thanks for share.