Ataru Training

Simulador de robo
Probabilidades: 0% – 0% más
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Luke_Skywalker 371

this is a Spirit of Rebellion shield deck. The presence of Vibroknife does hurt this deck, but the shields in this deck are really here more for using Qui-gon's ability and for triggering Synchronicity and Your Eyes Can Deceive You. This deck feels really aggro despite its ability to mitigate damage. It has a lot of tricks that attempt to get around Vibroknifeincluding Force Heal to remove damage, Your Eyes Can Deceive You to blank a die, and Makashi Training and Force Throw to get Vibroknifeout of the pool, and turn your shields back on. Force Misdirectioncan win you games against other melee decks as it removes all their melee dice (or specials,resources even blanks as needed). and Meditate turns blanks into special generating dice. Swiftnessplus upgrade turns Rey's action cheats on. This is version 1.0 so I'm sure I'll make improvements as I go.

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