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tmol 41
This deck took me to a 4-0 store championship this last weekend. I had been working on the character pairing ever sense the Mandos were spoiled. I tried to include a few spice cards to make some unexpected blowout plays, and I will talk about them below as well as my matchups.
I think everyone knows how this decks runs and what you are trying to do, so I will just mention a few differences I put in this deck:
2x Force Wave and 2x Force Throw: Force Wave can wreck 3-wides (two eyes on you, 3-wide mill). Force Throw just felt right and often put my opponents in a bind, and I was happy to leave it in my pool just to discourage a re-roll.
LL-30 Blaster Pistol is a must and I might even slot in a second. Being able to PA a Mando, and then PA the other with the ambush action KO'ed characters in two games that really swung the match. Very few people expect it.
Free-For-All was killer against middle-middle character pairings.
In The Crosshairs was added because I wanted to have at least one big blowout mitigation card, and always had the money thanks to the chance cubes.
There is no Flank in this deck. There's too many 3-wides for me to invest a slot in it.
Play Tips:
NEVER pitch your mitigation to re-roll, unless you have good odds at a KO, or you cannot fulfill the spot requirement.
Talzin focus priority: Chance Cube, then Sith Holocron, then damage. Understanding Holocron is so important. Obviously focus to the special if wave or throw are in hand. Otherwise, Talzin focus to the focus side (it's the only usable side), pitch to re-roll your damage dice, then focus whatever didn't roll damage. It simply improves your odds.
NEVER pitch Backup Muscle. The ping damage is sneaky overpowering when combined with the Mandos.
Resolve Mandalorian Vambraces on any side but disrupt. You don't need to re-roll those for damage unless you are already doing so with other dice.
- It's okay to play Armor Plating on Talzin if it keeps her alive for one more round.
Match Recap:
Round 1: ePlo/Paddy/Paddy "Koon and Friends" This deck was piloted by my good friend and playtest buddy Hugo. This deck gave me fits for weeks. I haven't seen another Plo deck run The Power of the Force to resolve a focus for 4 value. Paired with a Force Speed special, it's gross. This was my closest game of the day. Frighten was huge and it came down to the wire. I just have all the right mitigation at the right times.
Round 2: eRey2/eLuke3 Jacob gave me a good match and had well thought out turns. I got a Force Throw down early, which made him hesitant to re-roll and I was happy to let the die sit in pool unresolved. The turning point was LL-30 Blaster Pistol, ambush to Chance Cube on the other Mando to KO Rey at 2 HP after he rolled her in.
Round 3: eSabine/Clone Trooper Jonathon loves his combos, and he did not disappoint. Grand Entrance on Sabine into 7 ranged, ambush to Hit and Run the Clone showing 2 ranged, one shot Talzin. I managed to get Sabine on her heels, and he was forced to play a Second Chance in back to back round. Free-For-All finished off the Clone.
Round 4: eRey2/eLuke3 Same paring, different pilot. This was almost a replay of the previous match. The deciding play was Rey rolling out at 2 HP and getting 2 shields. The combo of Frighten, ambush LL-30 Blaster Pistol on Mando, ambush Sith Holocron on Mando finished her. Free-For-All finished that game as well.
Overall, it was a great afternoon and all of my opponents were great to play against. The field had several tough decks including Solo Sabine, Snoke/X, and Yoda/Cassian/Anakin. I never got to (had to) play the Yoda/Cassian/Anakin Mill deck, but I was looking forward to the challenge. There's probably more optimal choices for this deck, but this ran pretty smoothly for me.