eKylo/Palpatine - Dark Duo

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CosmoDNA 42

"Experience the full power of the dark side."

This is probably more fun than competitive, but I am on a Sith mission to make this match-up work. The strategy with this deck is to give Kylo enough weapons to make him a threat, with Palpatine almost the "Plan B" character late in the game. It really depends on if you draw sabers or abilities first, and then deciding on who's taking the lead. This may cause your opponent to question who they should go after first.

Battlefield: I chose Outer Rim Outpost - Nal Hutta to build up resources. For the first round, I usually just roll out the character dice for some possible quick damage or resources, and then claim early for the extra resource/card. Then start to really build and do damage on round 2. With only three dice, maxing out at two(2), you probably won't win many opening rolls, so worst case you get some shields and will need to pray for some die rolls. This is probably the decks biggest vulnerability, gaining resources, but it's workable.

Plot: I really like Solidarity. With so many really good new cards in the mix, I think a "one-copy" build is still viable and gives you so many nice character pairings.

Characters: Of course, one of the main appeals of using Kylo Ren - Tormented One is for his 50/50 two-point damage ability plus his decent dice and solid health pool. Then you have Palpatine - Unlimited Power with his awesome ability boosts both with adding HP and with allowing a double roll of a die. He's still vulnerable to Mind Extraction but I wasn't worried enough to add a Protective Suit since you have Kylo at his side.

Upgrades: I chose three sabers with redeploy so they can move to the other character as needed. I also threw in Crossguard Lightsaber for the extra point of immediate damage on Kylo. You could probably drop in Darth Vader's Lightsaber instead if you want to be super Sith-nasty. Then for Palpatine, I only selected abilities that had damage sides to focus on aggro. If you want to be more defensive, you can switch a few of these to add in Soresu Training and Soresu Mastery. I also included Way of the Force for a chance to get Palp's other die into the game.

Supports: Not much here aside from It Binds All Things and Forbidden Lore which are mandatory.

Events: I included nine(9) mitigation cards, two(2) shield removals, and one(1) heal with Bacta Therapy since it works well for palp's ability boost. Finally, I added in four(4) quick damage cards including Fear and Dead Men just in case you are battling a 3-4 wide character deck.

That's about it. Hopefully this "Dark Duo" can hold it's own, since these are both such fun characters to play.

PS. This is my first ever published deck, so be nice...

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