jango and friends

Simulador de robo
Probabilidades: 0% – 0% más
Derivado de
Ninguno. Éste es un mazo hecho de cero.
Inspiración para
Jango Curses 1 1 0 1.0
jango 2.0 0 0 0 1.0
2 comentarios

chazz 157

Bringing blue downgrades into a Jango deck looks fun! I'm not sure on Uncontrollable Rage though. Seems super easy for them to play around? Though I guess if they're activating the character they're not putting upgrades on it? Is that the idea. I LOVE Possessed and would want to see two. Especially when it functionally only costs 2 resources on your battlefield.

General Vatutin 26

Gosh, if only The Luce art looked good I would put this together. When is FF going to get it together. The art lately has been particularly bad with Satine being the worst offender at the moment. Ugly Logan Run look alike art and certainly not a royal and fiercely powerful looking. Jango os cool looking nd the mud trooper is fine/adequate.