Church Lady - Store Champs Top 4

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Well, isn't that SPECIALS?! 0 0 0 1.0

Trey 178

"Well, isn't that special..."

Jabba the Hutt - Renowned Gangster is one of those cards that has been derided so far in its life as a silly card that only works in Magical Christmasland. He's been paired with Bib Fortuna - Majordomo for whacky decks that live for that moment of rolling a single string of sides that let you resolve 20 or so in a single turn. I've also seen him paired with Arihnda Pryce - Unscrupulous Governor in an effort to generate tons of to play big supports. Because massive chains are extremely small percentage and there are better ways to generate lots of resources, Jabba the Hutt - Renowned Gangster has remained on the sidelines for serious competitive play. Hopefully, this deck can change that. Failing that, hopefully, it will give you something to toss out there at a small tournament that will surprise the hell out of your opponents.

Your job here is to vomit dice onto the table and then do some stuff with them. I regularly roll 8 dice in Round 1 and have the capability for rolling even more. To start with, you are mulliganing for as many upgrades as possible. For real, you are pitching literally everything in your hand that is not a 0 or 1 cost upgrade. The only time I've mulliganed with this deck and held a non-upgrade card was when I had three 0 to 1 cost upgrades and a Witch Magick against a deck that I knew could lay some serious damage in Round 1. I still pitched the other card hoping for the fourth upgrade.

If you win the roll, your battlefield choice depends on what they're showing. You can expect your battlefield to mitigate 2 damage every round, so compare that to both the damage you think they're putting out and the speed at which they're claiming. If they're ultra fast, take the s because they're going to claim well before you want to. If they're chaining with Emperor's Throne Room - Death Star II, take your battlefield. If they're a slower deck, take your battlefield because you're going to be able to eat their good dice at the end of the round.

In the first round dump as many upgrades as you can on the table and get those dice humming. Your upgrades are cheap enough that you should be able to drop your hand and still have left over for any mitigation. You want most upgrades on Jabba the Hutt - Renowned Gangster because he has 12 health and doesn't have the inherent like Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch. You do want to spread them out a little bit, however, so that you don't completely lose your power if he gets put down. If I have two upgrades that cost 1, I will generally split them, and I will roll out the Jabba the Hutt - Renowned Gangster one before playing one on Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch. That way I can keep a up for mitigation, and then resolve a side on Jabba the Hutt - Renowned Gangster's dice to play an upgrade on Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch while keeping the up.

The deck is not entirely about sides. Part of it is, but Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch's dice are pretty strong as well. Jabba the Hutt - Renowned Gangster s for 2-3 damage are just fine. Take what you can get when you can get it, and play defense for the next round.

There are a number of interesting plays in this deck that you don't see very often. Resolve and choose the Underhanded Tactics die. Deal them 1 and then use one of the sides as the second half of the resolution. Turn 1 or more dice to sides, and keep resolving s. On The Hunt s are just extremely powerful. Often I will just sit on them while my opponent pitches their hand to reroll. The minute they hit something decent I remove it. Since this deck is so light on usage, having the up to spend on On The Hunt is trivial.

One of my favorite plays was when I had several s up. 1. Resolve Jabba the Hutt - Renowned Gangster's for 4. 2. Resolve On The Hunt's to swipe three s from a dude and pay to eat his second biggest die. 3. Resolve Sith Holocron's to put out a Force Throw and pay to roll it out. 4. Resolve Underhanded Tactics's to both deal 1 and resolve another die to spin the Force Throw die to . 5. Resolve Force Throw's to throw their biggest die at them. 6. Resolve Force Speed's to take two actions. 7. Resolve Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch's sides to finish that dude off as your first action. 8. For the second action claim the battlefield and remove the remaining largest die.

I played this today at the Space Cadets Store Champs in Houston, TX. It was only a four-round event with 12 people, but a veritable who's who of Houston Destiny.

Round 1 Obi/Maz : Ryan, one SC win, and multiple SC top 4's. I actually lost my first match of the day. I couldn't draw upgrades (I looked at 10 cards and only saw a single one to start with) and had to push for every scrap of damage. He, on the other hand, rolled a single 3 with Obi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Master every time, and then proceeded to hit one with Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen every time. Even through all of that, I had a line of play that was going to net me the win right up until he rerolled into damage I couldn't completely mitigate. Ryan ended up second in the tournament. (0-1)

Round 2 Plo Koon - Jedi Protector/Padawan/Jedi Instructor : Julio, strong player, but no top finishes at SCs yet. Julio is a good friend, and I worked with him on this deck over the week. I still cautioned him against playing it, though. It has some interesting ideas but probably doesn't have the power that other decks have. Couple that with Julio's limited reps with the deck (it's not even a week old), and you get Julio's 0-4 finish in this one. In this particular game, I was able to crack Plo Koon - Jedi Protector down pretty quickly with Backup Muscles, and then the rest was just cleanup. I finished him off in style, though, with a 10 Free-For-All. (1-1)

Round 3 Rex/Trooper/Trooper : Seth, a new player who has some excellent ideas about the game. This Rex - Clone Captain build was entirely his idea. I did some seriously nasty things in this match. My characters were like smoke as I danced and wriggled my way out of any and all damage. I was chaining card mitigation, On The Hunt s, and Rift Valley - Dathomir claims to make his substantial number of dice do nothing. All while pouring on the and . I ended the game with a single damage on Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch and none on Jabba the Hutt - Renowned Gangster (2-1)

Round 4 Poe/Ezra/Built to Last : Justin, one of the top players in Houston who took down a Dallas SC and multiple strong finishes in Premier events. Normally this battle is a titanic clash of Destiny between good players running top decks. With SC wins under both of our belts, however, Justin and I have indulged ourselves by running pet decks at subsequent SCs. Justin has been working on this unique upgrade monstrosity since WTF came out, so I was not looking forward to this. His deck has had more banging on it, and he has a TON more reps on his than I do on mine. It ended up being a pretty close match. I was able to take down Ezra Bridger - Aspiring Jedi with a neat play involving All In with Jabba the Hutt - Renowned Gangster untapped and only three Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch dice in the pool. I resolved 2 to pop him to 7 damage, to spin a Force Speed to , and then the Force Speed to take two more actions. I used those to plop down and use Backup Muscle to finish him off. Poe Dameron - Ace Pilot immediately aced Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch, so it was up to Jabba the Hutt - Renowned Gangster to bring the game home. There was one sequence where Justin was going to take two actions to drop a bunch of damage on me, so I ate four otherwise useful dice with Free-For-All so that I could bust up his damage by removing dice with a claim. He plunked down an All In of his own and smacked Jabba the Hutt - Renowned Gangster in the face for 7, taking him to 9 damage. I claimed, and he put two s on Poe Dameron - More Than A Pilot taking him to 2s and 9 damage (2 remaining health). Going first the next round I rolled out Jabba the Hutt - Renowned Gangster hitting three sides, including both on Jabba the Hutt - Renowned Gangster. He used Suppressive Fire to each one of them, and then for his action rolled out Poe Dameron - More Than A Pilot. I flashed Frighten, and he extended the hand. (3-1)

My 3-1 record put me in the top four, but my strength of schedule meant that I didn't get one of those top two coveted places.

I hope you take this deck for a spin. It's pretty powerful, great fun, and plays differently than any other deck right now.

6 comentarios

StaticCat 40

I love this deck I need to take it for a test drive I run a lot of small cheap double special cards but the character I use instead of Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch is Snoke - Supreme Leader for the 2 focus sides to make the cards that have specials get to specials. I also run 2 copies of Honed Skills so that I can get more cards on them.

Trey 178

@StaticCatI've had other people mention Snoke as well, but I just don't see it. Jabba the Hutt already has the 2, Mother comes with a 1 of her own, and Snoke's ability is useless with s. Even popping Jabba for extra s with it is of limited value because everything in the deck is so cheap. Getting a free on every Mother rollout and pumping into characters' faces to finish them off is just so much better.

SillyJedi 477

you should check my list out if you havent a few weeks ago i made a list with this pairing and it turned out awesome! I beat Jay from doubleblanks with it on a stream he had its actually a solid pairing!

Verado 56

Very interesting list. I play Jabba the Hutt - Renowned Gangster more than anything else but paired with Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician which has done quite well for me so far, though my main goal is to load up on Thermal Detonator and [V-1 Thermal Detonator] (/card/07145) along with cards like Ace in the Hole. Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch looks like a solid option and those 0-cost upgrades are nice. I'm curious how your speed and consistency is, especially when you aren't able to draw into Sith Holocron.

Trey 178

@SillyJedi I assumed that someone else had found this pairing, but didn't see it make any waves. I definitely looked at a lot of the cards you included, so I can see what you were thinking.

@Verado The difference between the red and blue pairings with Jabba the Hutt came down to the number of cheap dice I could put on the table with multiple sides on.

I would love to run the V-1, but that was sacrificed on the altar of running odd cards. It came down to deciding between that and one of my 0 cost blue upgrades, and the ability to put the blue one out while keeping mitigation up put me over the top on the blue ones. I'm an extremely defensive player, though, so I wouldn't fault someone for dropping a 0-cost blue for the V-1.

My speed is actually pretty good. I have all these dice on the table to do things with, but it's not that damaging to have to leave them on the table and claim if it means mitigating damage. The Free-For-Alls actually really help with that because I can speed my turn up substantially by merely chucking all remaining dice at their face and claiming to remove a die. Like any deck that uses it I definitely run better when I get the Holocron to start, but it's not a death knell when I am missing it from my opening hand.

Scactha 888

Tried this and Jabba with Sebulba - Cutthroat Podracer, Sebulba's Podracer, XS Stock Light Freighter, OtH and Boonta Eve Classic for fast cash and lots of sides. I think I prefer, but I might well be wrong. Very cool deck and thanks for the detailed writeup.